This Material World is a Bad Neighborhood

No matter where you may go in this material world even up the highest planet, Brahmaloka, you will find that every place is place of misery. This material world is a bad neighborhood, and there is not much more to be said in this connection. Therefore instead of trying to find happiness by changing your material position, the intelligent thing to do is to get out of this material world and return to your original position in the spiritual world. There you will enjoy an eternal, blissful, youthful existence in the association of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His pure devotees.

Come Back to Your Original Home

Come Back to Your Original Home

Video For the Day: Realizing the Absolute Truth

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: How to Become Free From Fear?

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Before I joined Krishna consciousness I had lots of fear and anger, but now while doing my 16 rounds of japa I do not feel the anger anymore, and all I feel is more love for Lord Krishna. However, I still have fear. I feel better when I do my japa, but not when I am out at work. Please give me your blessing, and tell me what to do to alleviate this fear.

Your insignificant servant

Answer: Fully Surrender to Krishna

Fear is contamination just like anger. You are feeling fear because you are not fully surrendered to Krishna. So you must regularly beg Krishna that you can be fully surrendered to Him. The more you develop this mood of total surrender, the more your heart will be free from fear even when you are at work.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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