Ecstatic Arrival in Mauritius

15 June 2016--It was a most glorious arrival in Mauritius because as we came to the terminal exit we were greeted by a sankirtan party ecstatically chanting the holy names of God. Simply by this congregational chanting there will be vast spiritual revolution that will soon envelope the entire earth planet in an ocean of transcendental bliss. This Krishna consciousness movement is the only solution for all the problems of the world. How fortunate we are to have attracted to this movement by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Mauritius Lecture Schedule (Click to Enlarge)

Sankarshan Das Mauritius Lecture Schedule

Video For the Day: Bringing Krishna Back to the Center

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Is Kicking Out Doubts Blind Following?

You told me regarding my doubts to kick them out of my mind. Does it mean that I should ignore all my thoughts and practice Krishna Consciousness without any hesitation? But isn't this blind following?

Your servant,

Answer: Practice Unhesitatingly and Continue Inquiring

Practice Krishna consciousness unhesitatingly, and at the same time continue inquiring until all of your doubts are all cleared up. You should do this because there is no other philosophical system ever devised by any philosopher in history that more thoroughly and completely accounts for every aspect of the reality in which we live.

Of course, we are not blind followers. We are lovers of truth. So if someone can show us a more perfect philosophical system, we will give up Krishna consciousness and follow that instead. But so far after 45 years of my following the path of Krishna consciousness, no one has been able to do that. That’s why, not blindly, but on the basis of intelligent analysis, I accept as Absolute Truth Krishna’s statement that this knowledge which He has revealed in the Bhagavad-gita is the highest knowledge in all of existence. Judging by the results of those who have purely followed this pathway in the past, we can sure that by following the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita we will realize the highest truth and in due course of time be able to personally associate with Krishna or God, face to face, eye to eye.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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