Simultaneously One and Different

Just as a drop of ocean water is simultaneously the ocean and not the ocean, in the same way the living being is simultaneously God and not God. The drop of ocean water is ocean because it has exactly the same chemical composition as the entire ocean. But it is not the ocean because you cannot float a cruise ship on it. In other words, it is ocean, but it is not the ocean. It is not the entire ocean.

Similarly, the living being is qualitatively one with God because just as God is eternal, the living being is eternal. Just as God is full of knowledge and bliss, the living being in his liberated state is also full of knowledge and bliss. But quantitatively speaking there is a gargantuan gulf of difference between God and the living being because God being infinite includes everything within Himself, while the living being infinitesimal is only a tiny insignificant fragment of a fragment of the vastly unlimited energy of God.

Krishna Has All of Existence Within Himself

Krishna Has All of Existence Within Himself

Video For the Day: Connect With Krishna Within

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: How to Meditate and Follow Lord Buddha?

How to meditate on the Buddha incarnation of Krishna? How to practice stability and peace of mind to control senses while chanting in presence of Buddha? How to follow the Ahimsa teachings of Buddha in life? How can devotees make the atmosphere cool by meditating on Buddha incarnation of Krishna ?

Parag Rane

Answer: Meditate On and Follow Lord Krishna

When you water the root of a tree, all the leaves and branches of that tree are nourished. Similarly when you meditate on and follow Lord Krishna, you are automatically meditating upon and following all of His incarnations such as Lord Buddha, Lord Rama, etc. Therefore Krishna consciousness alone is sufficient. Separate Buddha consciousness is not required. If the devotee by thus mediating upon and serving Lord Krishna can taste even one drop of pure love of God, that one drop can inundate the entire universe with pure love of God drowning everyone in a ocean of pure bliss.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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