Most Fortunate Person in the Universe
Krishna's pure devotee feels himself to be the most fortunate person in the entire universe because he possesses Krishna. And one who possesses Krishna, Who is manifesting all of existence from His transcendental body, becomes the possessor of everything. Therefore Krishna's pure devotee can never be lacking in any way. This may not make any sense from the standpoint of mundane logic, but it is factually experienced by those who have fully awakened their dormant Krishna consciousness.
It is very difficult to overcome sex desire. Sometimes consciously I am able to divert myself from this desire by saying to myself, "The skin is only made of earth so why get attracted to it?". However the desire comes in my sleep and tries to take control when I'm not conscious.
I haven't engaged in sexual action, my mind is filled with this desire. This is a very strong desire, and I'm finding it very difficult to overcome it. What should I do?
Your student
It takes time, but, if you stick with this process of Krishna consciousness on a regular daily basis, eventually your sex desire will completely evaporate and never disturb your mind ever again. It is compared to leaving a glass of water sitting on a table. If you don't add any more water to it, after some time all the water will evaporate away, and you will have an empty glass.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: How to Get Free From Sex Desire?
Dear Master,It is very difficult to overcome sex desire. Sometimes consciously I am able to divert myself from this desire by saying to myself, "The skin is only made of earth so why get attracted to it?". However the desire comes in my sleep and tries to take control when I'm not conscious.
I haven't engaged in sexual action, my mind is filled with this desire. This is a very strong desire, and I'm finding it very difficult to overcome it. What should I do?
Your student
Answer: Dive Deeply into Krishna Consciousness
The more you dive deeply into the nectarean rasa of Lord Sri Krishna’s name, form, pastimes, entourage, paraphernalia and teachings the more you will forget about this nasty, grotesque sex desire. Sex desire is of course proper for the purpose of producing saintly children. But other than that, it is grossly sinful.It takes time, but, if you stick with this process of Krishna consciousness on a regular daily basis, eventually your sex desire will completely evaporate and never disturb your mind ever again. It is compared to leaving a glass of water sitting on a table. If you don't add any more water to it, after some time all the water will evaporate away, and you will have an empty glass.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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