Heading Out for South Africa
After a wonderful eleven day, twenty-three lectures marathon here in Mauritius we are heading out today to South Africa in continuation of our around-the-world lecture tour. What could be more wonderful than connecting people all over the world with their original spiritual natures? It is not difficult to do this. All we have to do is to engage them in hearing and chanting the glories of Lord Sri Krishna. In this way their original divine consciousness is automatically revived as confirmed in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya-Lila, Chapter 22, Text 107:
nitya-siddha kṛṣṇa-prema ‘sādhya’ kabhu naya
śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte karaye udaya
“Pure love for Krishna is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, this love naturally awakens.
Our mission is to awaken the entire world to Krishna consciousness. We are praying to Krishna that our mission will be successful.
Urging Audience to Surrender to Krishna--23 June 2016
I have an attraction to mathematics, especially the numbers 0 and infinity, which I find difficult to understand. However, I believe that mathematics is a strong branch of God as only this field can quantify things. It has these two numbers 0 and infinity, which I feel can help us understand God, as God is both nothing and everything. Is it good to have this attraction?
Once there a was poor boy who was a student in a school. There was no salary for the teacher. He was maintained by whatever gifts his students would bring him. This is how formerly the teachers would earn their livelihood. They were not paid a salary. They would accept whatever charity was given to them by their students. So on the occasion of the teacher's annual ceremony for his father's death he asked his students, "What contributions will you give me?
One boy said, "I will contribute cloth." Another boy said, "I will bring rice." In this way every student named something that they would bring. One of the students was very poor. He did know of anything that he could bring. So when the teacher asked him what he would bring he said, "I cannot say anything without asking my mother." So the teacher said, "All right, you ask your mother and tell me tomorrow."
When that boy went home he asked, "My dear mother, all my class friends have promised the teacher to bring something for his father's ceremony. He has asked me also to bring something. So what shall I promise?" The mother said, "My dear son, we are so poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krishna is known as Dinabandhu, the friend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise." The boy asked, "Oh, where is that Dinabandhu?" His mother answered, "He stays in the forest.
So the boy went to the forest and called, "Dinabandhu brother, Dinabandhu brother, where are You?" And he began to cry. So Krishna came. When a devotee is very much eager to see Him, Krishna comes. He very is kind. Krishna said, "Why you are calling me?" "This my condition, Sir, I have to bring something for my teacher, but we are so poor that we don't have anything to bring. So what can I promise?" Krishna told him, "You promise that you will supply the yogurt (dahi) for the ceremony." So the boy was very happy. He went to the teacher and told him, "My Dinabandhu brother, dada, He will supply the yogurt (dahi), as much as you require." His teacher said, "Oh, that's nice. Very good."
So on the day of ceremony, so he went to the forest again and called for Dinabandhu dada (dada means brother), and Krishna came and gave him a small pot of yogurt. Since he was an innocent he could not think that such a small pot of yogurt would be insufficient for a gathering of hundreds of people. So he simply brought it to the teacher saying, "Here is my contribution that my Dinabandhu brother has given."
Seeing the small quantity of yogurt the teacher became very angry and said, "At the ceremony we must feed hundreds of people, and you have brought only this much yogurt?" In his anger the teacher knocked the pot over and all the yogurt spilled on the ground. But when the pot was set aright it immediately filled up with yogurt. In amazement the teacher again emptied the pot and it again filled up. No matter how many times the pot would be emptied, it would immediately become full with yogurt again. Then he could understand it is spiritual.
So this is spiritual mathematics. You take away the whole thing: still, the whole thing is there. That is Krishna. It is not that because you have taken something away that one minus one equals zero. No. In the spiritual world one minus one is equal to one. That is spiritual mathematics. So if you want to understand higher truth through mathematics, just try to understand how in the spiritual world one minus one is one, not zero.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
nitya-siddha kṛṣṇa-prema ‘sādhya’ kabhu naya
śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte karaye udaya
“Pure love for Krishna is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, this love naturally awakens.
Our mission is to awaken the entire world to Krishna consciousness. We are praying to Krishna that our mission will be successful.
Urging Audience to Surrender to Krishna--23 June 2016
Surveshwarnath Mandir--Rose Hill, Mauritius
Video For the Day: Krishna Bhakti Dawn
Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: How to Understand God Through Mathematics?
Dear Master,I have an attraction to mathematics, especially the numbers 0 and infinity, which I find difficult to understand. However, I believe that mathematics is a strong branch of God as only this field can quantify things. It has these two numbers 0 and infinity, which I feel can help us understand God, as God is both nothing and everything. Is it good to have this attraction?
Answer: Understand How One Minus One Equals One
God is not nothing, nor has He lost His original form by expanding His energies everywhere. Therefore if you truly want to gain spiritual understanding from mathematics, you must understand the mathematics of the spiritual world. Trying to understand the mathematics of the material world will simply keep you bound up in the cycle of birth and death for all of eternity. To understand spiritual mathematics there is a very nice story from ancient India.Once there a was poor boy who was a student in a school. There was no salary for the teacher. He was maintained by whatever gifts his students would bring him. This is how formerly the teachers would earn their livelihood. They were not paid a salary. They would accept whatever charity was given to them by their students. So on the occasion of the teacher's annual ceremony for his father's death he asked his students, "What contributions will you give me?
One boy said, "I will contribute cloth." Another boy said, "I will bring rice." In this way every student named something that they would bring. One of the students was very poor. He did know of anything that he could bring. So when the teacher asked him what he would bring he said, "I cannot say anything without asking my mother." So the teacher said, "All right, you ask your mother and tell me tomorrow."
When that boy went home he asked, "My dear mother, all my class friends have promised the teacher to bring something for his father's ceremony. He has asked me also to bring something. So what shall I promise?" The mother said, "My dear son, we are so poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krishna is known as Dinabandhu, the friend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise." The boy asked, "Oh, where is that Dinabandhu?" His mother answered, "He stays in the forest.
So the boy went to the forest and called, "Dinabandhu brother, Dinabandhu brother, where are You?" And he began to cry. So Krishna came. When a devotee is very much eager to see Him, Krishna comes. He very is kind. Krishna said, "Why you are calling me?" "This my condition, Sir, I have to bring something for my teacher, but we are so poor that we don't have anything to bring. So what can I promise?" Krishna told him, "You promise that you will supply the yogurt (dahi) for the ceremony." So the boy was very happy. He went to the teacher and told him, "My Dinabandhu brother, dada, He will supply the yogurt (dahi), as much as you require." His teacher said, "Oh, that's nice. Very good."
So on the day of ceremony, so he went to the forest again and called for Dinabandhu dada (dada means brother), and Krishna came and gave him a small pot of yogurt. Since he was an innocent he could not think that such a small pot of yogurt would be insufficient for a gathering of hundreds of people. So he simply brought it to the teacher saying, "Here is my contribution that my Dinabandhu brother has given."
Seeing the small quantity of yogurt the teacher became very angry and said, "At the ceremony we must feed hundreds of people, and you have brought only this much yogurt?" In his anger the teacher knocked the pot over and all the yogurt spilled on the ground. But when the pot was set aright it immediately filled up with yogurt. In amazement the teacher again emptied the pot and it again filled up. No matter how many times the pot would be emptied, it would immediately become full with yogurt again. Then he could understand it is spiritual.
So this is spiritual mathematics. You take away the whole thing: still, the whole thing is there. That is Krishna. It is not that because you have taken something away that one minus one equals zero. No. In the spiritual world one minus one is equal to one. That is spiritual mathematics. So if you want to understand higher truth through mathematics, just try to understand how in the spiritual world one minus one is one, not zero.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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