Identity Therapy

Nowadays there are so many types of therapy available in the wellness marketplace: hand therapy, back therapy, trauma therapy, over-eating therapy, depression therapy, marriage therapy, chemotherapy, vocal therapy, occupational therapy, sound therapy, enzyme replacement therapy, massage therapy, cobalt therapy, cold compression therapy, and the list goes on and on and on. Practically every day somebody is dreaming up a new kind of therapy. But still everyone is unhappy and unhealthy. This is because the world is not adopting the most important therapy of all: identity therapy, the healing process of becoming re-established in one's original and factual identity as the eternal servant of Krishna. At the present moment the world is tortured by ever-increasing chaos, because nobody knows who they are. Identity crisis is running rampant as a global epidemic. Therefore the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has been started to provided the ultimate therapy, identity therapy, which will bring everyone back to their original natural consciousness and in one stroke solve all of the world's problems.

Kirtan Therapy Restores Your Identity and It's Great Fun

Kirtan Therapy Restores Your Identity and It's Great Fun

Video For the Day: Make the World Leaders Krishna Conscious

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Harassed by My Co-Workers

Dear Gurudeva,

As you stated in your answer on 18 March 2016, that we should not desire for honor or try to get honor, how to react when somebody backbites/ dishonors or denigrates us for example in the eyes of boss or work place team or makes fun of us because of their ulterior motives to extract advantage? Such is widespread in the present materialistic environment.

Currently I am countering with the argument that if they want honor /respect for themselves then they should give it same to us/me etc. And I keep reminding them so that they don’t play game.

If I don’t do the above, then I will fall prey to them, and if I do the above then I may not progress in Krishna consciousness. This is my anxiety. Please enlighten me.


Answer: Teach to Them to Give Up Their Misbehavior

Once upon a time there was a cobra who became a devotee of Narada Muni. Before he became a devotee he was the cause of great fear for the villagers. But when he became a humble devotee has was no longer a threat. So some naughty children took advantage of his humility and used to harass him with sticks. He became distraught not knowing what to do, and thus he approached his spiritual master for guidance. Narada then told the cobra that whenever the children come to harass him, he should expand his hood and raise his head up as if prepared to strike, but that he should not bite them. He said the sight of this would scare the children away. By following his spiritual master's advice he was able to remain a humble devotee and at the same time not be harassed. In a similar way, if a devotee is being harassed because of his humility, he should make a show of strength in order to deter those who are harassing him. Therefore your instructing your co-workers is very good. Our Krishna consciousness mission is to train the entire world how to come to proper standard of behavior.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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