When It's Always a Beautiful Day
It's always a beautiful day when we fully and tightly embrace the world deliverance mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu because when we are in this mood Lord Caitanya personally reciprocates with us in all times, places, and circumstances. What could sweeter than this than to be held in loving arms of Lord Caitanya at every minute?

De Pa
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
The Most Merciful Lord Caitanya

Video For the Day
Devotee is the Best Friend of All
Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: Chanting With No Service?
In one of your lectures you mentioned that if you simply do service nicely and do not chant, there is a good chance that the person may fall away from the movement. What if someone chants his 16 rounds nicely but does not take service seriously, what happens to him?De Pa
Answer: That Is Not Real Chanting
That is not real chanting. Chanting with no service means that he is not chanting nicely or properly because chanting Hare Krishna means begging Krishna to be engaged in His service. If the chanter refuses to serve, he is not chanting from his heart. He is merely chanting from his lips. From such chanting he will not derive taste, and soon he will give it up. So the conclusion is that one should always chant as much as possible and serve as much as possible every day.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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