Don't Be a Silent Cog in the Machine
Don't be a miserable silent cog in the machine of the materially conditioned society. Find yourself a niche where you can be an ecstatic fighter for bringing in a new age of spiritual enlightenment for the suffering humanity. Otherwise, of what value is your life? It will be no better than an animal's life of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending until you die and vanish into oblivion. If, on the other hand, you dedicate your life fully in service of the Lord's divine world deliverance mission, you will be the best servant of the human society, and you will attain glorious immortality. Now the choice is yours. Do what you like. I hope you make the right choice!

Hare Krishna Distributes a Gita to a Most Fortunate Soul

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: How to Not Be Affected By Others?
How to avoid being affected by others consciousness?
How to subdue the desires? In presence of unnecessary desires I forget everything else.
On what instruction should my mind always focus so that it is attracted to it and not deluded?
Thank you.
Your unworthy servant,
Answer: Affect Them by Giving Them Krishna
Instead of letting them affect you with material consciousness you must affect them by bolding teaching the science of Krishna consciousness to everyone you meet.
Desire is conquered by doing everything for Krishna. Always remember that you are to be always 100 per cent surrendered to Krishna in all circumstances.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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