Kill Depression or It May Kill You

When one becomes completely hopeless about achieving happiness in his life he becomes depressed. Sometimes people become so hopelessly depressed that they commit suicide foolishly thinking that suicide will somehow or other free them from their misery. They do not realize that the karmic reaction for suicide is to become even more miserable as a ghost. Therefore suicide is not an escape. It simply makes things worse.

The good news is that there is no reason for anyone to become depressed because the natural state of consciousness for every living being is that he is full of unlimited bliss. Therefore instead of being killed by depression one should kill depression by reviving their original, natural all-blissful state of consciousness by faithfully and regularly chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Devotees Are Naturally Happy

Hare Krishna Devotees Are Naturally Happy

Video For the Day

Being a Devotee is Natural

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Can Krishna Make Us With and Without Free Will?

Can Krishna make square circles?

More importantly, can Krishna make living entities with free will never fall down from the spiritual world?

It sounds illogical. Free Will must mean the ability to possibly falling down.

But we say Krishna can do anything, so can He make living entities with free will never fall down?


Answer: He Could, But He Prefers Loving Relationships

Yes, Krishna can create a geometric object which is simultaneously a square and a circle. What Krishna can do is not limited by what we can conceive of within our minds. If He were limited by our mental conceptions, then we would be God, not Him.

So Krishna could also make us simultaneously with free will and without the free will to fall down. But He does not choose to do so because then we would be robots with whom He could not relish loving reciprocal relationships. Krishna prefers giving us absolute free will instead of the so-called free will that you describe. This makes us interesting associates rather than the bores that you propose. So although He could make is simultaneously with and without free will, He, out of His own choosing, does not do so.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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