Something's Amiss If You're Not Tasting the Bliss
There's something amiss if you are not tasting the bliss because the constitutional position of every living being is to swim constantly in an ocean of unlimited happiness. Sadly at the present moment 99.999% of the human population is miserable due to ignorance of the actual nature of the self. They are foolishly misidentifying themselves with their material bodies instead of realizing their eternal, all-blissful spiritual natures as spirit-soul servants of God. It's really quite a pity. Something must be done about this. Out of compassion on these poor suffering fellows we must teach them how to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness. We want them to taste the bliss too.

Q - If Krishna comes personally to Earth during Krishna Bhauma Lila and also as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is Krishna absent from Spiritual world at those times when He is on this earth or any other planet?
The Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrita say that Krishna is eternally present in Goloka. So how do we understand this? Does Krishna expands into another Krishna like He did in Dwarka for the queens?
We also read in purports by Prabhupada that Vishnu was the one present in Mathura as Krishna never leaves Vrindavana.
Your Servant,
Bharat Vyas
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Hare Krishnas Blissing Out on Krishna's Name

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Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: Krishna Present Simultaneously in Both Worlds?
My son asked me this question and I don't think I have a satisfactory answer so if you can please enlighten me.Q - If Krishna comes personally to Earth during Krishna Bhauma Lila and also as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is Krishna absent from Spiritual world at those times when He is on this earth or any other planet?
The Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrita say that Krishna is eternally present in Goloka. So how do we understand this? Does Krishna expands into another Krishna like He did in Dwarka for the queens?
We also read in purports by Prabhupada that Vishnu was the one present in Mathura as Krishna never leaves Vrindavana.
Your Servant,
Bharat Vyas
Answer: Yes, By His Mystic Potency
Krishna is in both worlds simultaneously. Just as He expanded a separate manifestation of Himself for each queen in Dwarka, He can simultaneously be in the spiritual world and the material world at the same time. This is a tiny spark of the inconceivable mystic potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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