The Amazing Visnujana Swami.--7 August 2024 (C.E.538)

May You Be Blessed
with an Eternal Life Full of Bliss and
Full of Knowledge

  Thought for the day

Vishnujana Swami Made Me a Devotee

When I prayed to God to guide me how to become His perfect servant, He heard my prayer and reciprocated by sending His Holiness Vishnujana Swami to Austin, Texas in the spring of 1971 to teach me by his example and by his words how to become His devotee.

He was the great personality who recommended to Srila Prabhupada for initiation and who performed my initiation ceremony. I cannot even begin to imagine how much I am indebted to him.

How I met him and how he made me Krishna's devotee is described in detail in memoir, The Divine Love Memoir, which can be ordered by clicking right here.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

His Holiness Vishnujana Swami


Vishnujana Swami

Vishnujana Swami

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Questions and Answers

What do you like the most about Vishnujana Swami?

His ability to see the tiny spark of devotion in the heart of a person and fan it into a blazing fire.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

For ecstatic lectures click here.

Have You Gotten My Memoir Yet?

In it I tell the amazing story of how I came to Krishna consciousness.

You can order a copy right now by clicking on the photo


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