When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going
Things are not always smooth and easy here in this material world. Sometimes we face very, very difficult situations. While such times are psychologically devastating for materialists they are the greatest window of opportunity for the spiritualists. This is so because the spiritualists see the loving hand of Krishna blessing them in all situations here in this material dimension, both when times are good and when times are bad. In this way for the spiritualist there is never any situation when things are truly bad. He simply fully utilizes each and every situation he finds himself to advance himself further and further on the path of spiritual realization so that every soon he can become fully awakened by attaining the perfectional stage of pure love of God. Isn't this what we should all be living for at every minute?

Please accept my humble obeisance and would like to thank you for this Ultimate Self Realization course. I have been following your answers and the same has been helpful in my spiritual life. Presently I have got admission to PhD course in a university and my guide has asked me to submit few topics with reference to the application of the Bhagavad-gita in management. I have been regularly following you for last few years and hope to get an early reply.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna!
Rukmininath Krishna Das
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Krishna and the Gopis

Video for the Day
Capture Krishna With Your Loveay 10 February 2018
Answers According to Vedic Knowledge
Question: How to Apply Bhagavad-gita in Management?
Dear Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisance and would like to thank you for this Ultimate Self Realization course. I have been following your answers and the same has been helpful in my spiritual life. Presently I have got admission to PhD course in a university and my guide has asked me to submit few topics with reference to the application of the Bhagavad-gita in management. I have been regularly following you for last few years and hope to get an early reply.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna!
Rukmininath Krishna Das
Answer: By Obeying the Spiritual Master's Orders
Bhagavad-gita teaches the perfection of management and all other processes by showing us how to utilize them for the pleasure of Krishna, who is the root of all existence. The principle is that when we water the root of the tree all the leaves and branches are nourished. Similarly when we manage things for the pleasure of Krishna we act in a way that is beneficial for all living beings throughout all of existence. In short, acting according to the Bhagavad-gita by engaging everything in the service of Krishna is the gateway to all-auspiciousness.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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