Grateful When Someone Points Out Your Mistake
The path of spiritual awakening has four stages:
1. Unconscious incompetence
2. Conscious incompetence
3. Conscious competence
4. Unconscious competence
In the beginning we are doing so many things wrong, making so many mistakes, but we don't realize it. We are blind to our mistakes. Once we take seriously to the path of spiritual awakening we are blessed by the spiritual master and the senior devotees by being corrected again and again for our mistakes. In this way we become conscious of our incompetence. And in this way we become more and more humble. This is very good for us. By taking very seriously the corrections received we gradually become more and more free from making mistakes and we achieve the stage of conscious competence. The final stage, the perfectional stage, is when we attain absolutely pure love of God and we spontaneously are doing everything perfectly. At this stage of unconscious comeptence we are automatically always doing the right thing. So the next time someone points out one of your faults or mistakes instead of being discouraged you should be grateful that they are helping you to advance along the sublime pathway of spiritual perfection.

Thank you,
Your humble servant,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
1. Unconscious incompetence
2. Conscious incompetence
3. Conscious competence
4. Unconscious competence
In the beginning we are doing so many things wrong, making so many mistakes, but we don't realize it. We are blind to our mistakes. Once we take seriously to the path of spiritual awakening we are blessed by the spiritual master and the senior devotees by being corrected again and again for our mistakes. In this way we become conscious of our incompetence. And in this way we become more and more humble. This is very good for us. By taking very seriously the corrections received we gradually become more and more free from making mistakes and we achieve the stage of conscious competence. The final stage, the perfectional stage, is when we attain absolutely pure love of God and we spontaneously are doing everything perfectly. At this stage of unconscious comeptence we are automatically always doing the right thing. So the next time someone points out one of your faults or mistakes instead of being discouraged you should be grateful that they are helping you to advance along the sublime pathway of spiritual perfection.
The Most Amazing Krishna

Video for the Day:
When the Self and the Body Are One and the Same
Answers According to Vedic Knowledge
Question: How Do You Surrender?
I was reading this "Thought For the Day" to my 8 years old son. He asked me,"How do you surrender?"Thank you,
Your humble servant,
Answer: By Obeying the Spiritual Master's Orders
One surrenders to Krishna by obeying the orders of His representative, the bona fide spiritual master.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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