Returning to the Land of Perfect Love
Why suffer here unnecessarily in this rotten material world when we can return to our original, all-blissful home in the spiritual sky? Even though we most foolishly abandoned our eternal home in Lord Sri Krishna's abode in a vain attempt to try to enjoy separately from Him, Krishna is very kindly bestowing His unlimited mercy upon us to facilitate our coming back to Him. Let us all now take full advanage of His mercy and make our lives perfect. This is really the only sensible thing that we can do. Anything else is sheer madness.

I'm so happy and my mind is cool with your Thought for the Day. But I need some suggestions for controlling my mind because it keeps running away. How to control my mind?
Phani Gopal
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Goloka Vrindavan, the Land of Unlimited Bliss

Video for the Day
Returning to the Supreme Abode
Answers According to Vedic Wisdom
Question: How to Control My Mind?
Hi, Sir.I'm so happy and my mind is cool with your Thought for the Day. But I need some suggestions for controlling my mind because it keeps running away. How to control my mind?
Phani Gopal
Answer: Chant Hare Krishna and Avoid These
If you will chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mala every day while avoiding illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling, your mind will become peaceful, and you will always be able to easily remember our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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