Two Million Miler for Krishna
Our mission is to bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to the entire human civilization by making the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. For this purpose for many, many years now we have been circling the globe trying to do our best to awaken everyone to their factual spiritual identities as the eternal servants of Krishna. We have been traveling so much that American Airlines has now given me the status of "Two Million Miler" since I have now flown over two million miles. We are greatly encouraged in our world deliverance mission because Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport of Bhagavad-gita 14.7 that even if the majority of the people are not Krishna conscious, if only a percentage of the population develops Krishna consciousness, then there can be peace and prosperity all over the world. This is good news indeed because even if we can make only a small percentage of the world population Krishna conscious, this can potentially completely revolutionize human history sparking off the greatest paradigm shift the world has ever known. Therefore we will continue traveling and preaching all over the world as long as long as our aging 70 years old bodies can tolerate the rigors of traveling.

My question is that if we were to remember the pains and punishments from our previous visits to naraka, wouldn't it be a guideline for us to learn from our previous experiences in naraka so that it would be easier for us to never fall prey to the temptations of sin and thereby work towards attaining moksha . Looking forward to your enlightening response.
Your servant,
Avinash G.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Sri Krishna and the Gopis

Video for the Day
Beyond the Monkey Civilization
Answers According to Vedic Knowledge
Question: Beneficial to Remember Time in Hell?​​​​​​​
It is a well known fact that if we do good deeds, we acquire punya (pious results). And if we do bad deeds, we acquire papa (sinful results). After death, we can be either sent to naraka (hell) to get punished for our papa or sent to svarga (heaven) to enjoy the fruits of our punya. But after that we are sent back to earth again and again until the said soul attains moksha (liberation) and attains Vaikuntha (the spiritual world). Here we truly enjoy.My question is that if we were to remember the pains and punishments from our previous visits to naraka, wouldn't it be a guideline for us to learn from our previous experiences in naraka so that it would be easier for us to never fall prey to the temptations of sin and thereby work towards attaining moksha . Looking forward to your enlightening response.
Your servant,
Avinash G.
Answer: Debilitating Post Trauma Stress Disorder
The memories of our time in hell would be so traumatic that we would not be able to do anything peacefully. In other words, we would be suffering from a most severe, debilitating case of post trauma stress disorder that would make us totally dysfunctional. Therefore Krishna has kindly given us forgetfulness of that extremely nightmarish hellish existence so that we can peacefully chant His holy names and revive our dormant love for Him.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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