The Highest Realization
Srila Prabhupada states that our real mission is to deliver the world by preaching the message of Krishna to others, but that the highest realization is to save oneself. This makes perfect sense because if you haven't saved yourself, how can you save others? You can only give Krishna to others if you have Krishna yourself. Therefore the foundation of our world deliverance mission is to awaken Krishna consciousness within our own hearts. If we do not do so, there is no question of a world deliverance mission. Our mission can only be successful to the extent that we have awakened Krishna consciousness within our own hearts. So this must always be our first focus.

Your student
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Srila Prabhupada Wants Us to Krishnize the World

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Regain Your Original, Natural Beauty
Answers According to Vedic Knowledge
Question: Why Should I Accept that Krishna is God?
Why should I accept that Krishna is God?Your student
Answer: He is the Source of Everything
We know that Krishna is God because He is the source of all existence. Everything comes from Him. Everything that exists (besides Him) is His expanded energy.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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