We Need Your Help for Delivering the World
Srila Prabhupada has given us the order to deliver the world by making everyone Krishna conscious, an incredibly herculean task no doubt. We cannot do this alone. That would be impossible. But if we can get sufficient help, it is possible that we make a significant impact on global history for delivering countless millions of people from being forced to go down to the animal kingdom in their next lives due to their unrestricted indulgence in sinful activities. Therefore we are approaching you humbly with folded palms begging you to please assist us in our world deliverance mission.
There are four ways that you can be of assistance. The first way is to volunteer your time (either full time or part time) to work alongside us in our various missionary activities such as temple service, book distribution, and public chanting.
The second way is give financial support for funding our missionary activities. Ideally those who would like to serve in this way should join our monthly donor program. If you are interested in this option, please write me at: sda@backtohome.com for more details. This is a most essential program. (If you shop on Amazon.com, you can also give financial support to our mission by doing your Amazon shopping through this link.)
The third way is that you can engage your intelligence in serving Krishna by sharing with us your ideas of how we can expand this movement more and more. And the fourth method is that you engage your words in Krishna's service by telling as many people as possible about Krishna consciousness.
So kindly do whatever you can now to help us make the world Krishna conscious and Lord Sri Krishna will surely bless you.

May I ask you a couple of questions?
Where may I find the verse that states that one must be a devotee of a devotee to be a devotee of Krishna? I believe this is what Jesus meant when he told his disciples that he was the only way to God.
I have read that one must receive the mahamantra from a spiritual master for it to have significant effect. Is this true? And how would I go about doing that?
I am chanting when I can, and I have been reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I first read just the text and am now reading the text and commentary. I have never gambled, having grown up in Las Vegas, and since I started chanting I just don’t have and interest in meat at all. I intellectualize things much too greatly, and am very materially entrenched. I also have a very bad track record for sticking with something spiritually, but am at the point where I realize that I cannot attain happiness in this world, and so don’t really want to come back. Yet I don’t really know what the alternative is like and therefore am a bit frightened of that.
I also seem to have music in common with you. We have a Christian pop band, and I write our music and my wife our lyrics. Our lyrics are non-sectarian and do not contradict anything I know of Krishna consciousness. We are obviously not evangelicals in any way. I have become convinced that Krishna is the father Jesus talks of, and the more I know the more I see Jesus was a devotee of Krishna. I’m not sure those are exactly the right words.
Anyway, I will appreciate your taking the time to answer the above questions for me.
ye me bhakta-janāḥ pārtha na me bhaktāś ca te janāḥ
mad bhaktānāṁ ca ye bhaktās te me bhaktatamāḥ matāḥ
"My dear Arjuna, those who say they are My devotees are not My devotees, but those who claim to be devotees of My devotees are actually My devotees."
The full potency of the Hare Krishna mantra is transmitted to the student at the time he takes initiation from the bona fide spiritual master and thus formally becomes the disciple of the spiritual master. To become initiated one must be solidly fixed in chanting at least 16 rounds a day of the Hare Krishna mantra on japa mala beads along with the strict avoidance of illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling.
If you will take to this pathway of Krishna consciousness fully under our guidance, you will be liberated from all the illusions of material existence and will become fully qualified to enter the spiritual world at the time of quitting your present material body.
You are right that Krishna is the father of Jesus and that Jesus is a devotee of Krishna. Between the ages of 12 and 30 Jesus went to India and immersed himself fully in Krishna consciousness. In the book of John Jesus says that he has many things to say, but that those to whom he was preaching were not ready yet to hear these things. Because of the mentality of the people he was preaching to Jesus was only able to teach the most basic tenets of spirituality. And even for that he was nailed to a cross. But now we are most fortunate that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we are able to understand and the teach the science of God in full.
Music is a powerful communication tool. If you can become solidly fixed in Krishna consciousness as an initiated disciple and produce Krishna conscious music, this will have a profound uplifting impact on the global consciousness.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
There are four ways that you can be of assistance. The first way is to volunteer your time (either full time or part time) to work alongside us in our various missionary activities such as temple service, book distribution, and public chanting.
The second way is give financial support for funding our missionary activities. Ideally those who would like to serve in this way should join our monthly donor program. If you are interested in this option, please write me at: sda@backtohome.com for more details. This is a most essential program. (If you shop on Amazon.com, you can also give financial support to our mission by doing your Amazon shopping through this link.)
The third way is that you can engage your intelligence in serving Krishna by sharing with us your ideas of how we can expand this movement more and more. And the fourth method is that you engage your words in Krishna's service by telling as many people as possible about Krishna consciousness.
So kindly do whatever you can now to help us make the world Krishna conscious and Lord Sri Krishna will surely bless you.
Srila Prabhupada Wants Us to Krishnize the World

Video for the Day
Deeper and Deeper into Appreciating Krishna
Answers According to Vedic Knowledge
Question: How to Receive the Mahamantra?
Good day.May I ask you a couple of questions?
Where may I find the verse that states that one must be a devotee of a devotee to be a devotee of Krishna? I believe this is what Jesus meant when he told his disciples that he was the only way to God.
I have read that one must receive the mahamantra from a spiritual master for it to have significant effect. Is this true? And how would I go about doing that?
I am chanting when I can, and I have been reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I first read just the text and am now reading the text and commentary. I have never gambled, having grown up in Las Vegas, and since I started chanting I just don’t have and interest in meat at all. I intellectualize things much too greatly, and am very materially entrenched. I also have a very bad track record for sticking with something spiritually, but am at the point where I realize that I cannot attain happiness in this world, and so don’t really want to come back. Yet I don’t really know what the alternative is like and therefore am a bit frightened of that.
I also seem to have music in common with you. We have a Christian pop band, and I write our music and my wife our lyrics. Our lyrics are non-sectarian and do not contradict anything I know of Krishna consciousness. We are obviously not evangelicals in any way. I have become convinced that Krishna is the father Jesus talks of, and the more I know the more I see Jesus was a devotee of Krishna. I’m not sure those are exactly the right words.
Anyway, I will appreciate your taking the time to answer the above questions for me.
Answer: Through the Process of Initiation
Lord Krishna states in the Adi Purana:ye me bhakta-janāḥ pārtha na me bhaktāś ca te janāḥ
mad bhaktānāṁ ca ye bhaktās te me bhaktatamāḥ matāḥ
"My dear Arjuna, those who say they are My devotees are not My devotees, but those who claim to be devotees of My devotees are actually My devotees."
The full potency of the Hare Krishna mantra is transmitted to the student at the time he takes initiation from the bona fide spiritual master and thus formally becomes the disciple of the spiritual master. To become initiated one must be solidly fixed in chanting at least 16 rounds a day of the Hare Krishna mantra on japa mala beads along with the strict avoidance of illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling.
If you will take to this pathway of Krishna consciousness fully under our guidance, you will be liberated from all the illusions of material existence and will become fully qualified to enter the spiritual world at the time of quitting your present material body.
You are right that Krishna is the father of Jesus and that Jesus is a devotee of Krishna. Between the ages of 12 and 30 Jesus went to India and immersed himself fully in Krishna consciousness. In the book of John Jesus says that he has many things to say, but that those to whom he was preaching were not ready yet to hear these things. Because of the mentality of the people he was preaching to Jesus was only able to teach the most basic tenets of spirituality. And even for that he was nailed to a cross. But now we are most fortunate that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we are able to understand and the teach the science of God in full.
Music is a powerful communication tool. If you can become solidly fixed in Krishna consciousness as an initiated disciple and produce Krishna conscious music, this will have a profound uplifting impact on the global consciousness.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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