Global Re-Education Initiative

Remaining in material consciousness means torturing yourself. And there is not much more to be said in the connection. Why would someone choose to experience temporality, ignorance, and misery when they could instead be tasting eternality, bliss, and knowledge? The only reason this is going on all over the world with practically the entire human population is due to miseducation. People have been trained in the wrong way. Therefore our program is to re-educate the entire human population so that everyone can experience genuine peace and happiness at every minute. Kindly fully dedicate your life for assisting us in our global re-education initiative. If you do so, this will immediately liberate you from material consciousness and situate you solidly on the transcendental platform.

Krishna Wants You to Come Back Home

Krishna Wants You to Come Back Home

Video for the Day

Amazingly Adorable Krishna

Answers According to Vedic Knowledge

Question: How Envy Manifests in Spiritual World?ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

How is it that a living entity blissful in the eternal pastimes of Krishna in the Goloka becomes envious and thinks of enjoying separately from Krishna and falls down into the material world? How can envy manifest in the spiritual world? Since anger, envy, greed, and lust are manifest only in material world, I am confused. Please explain.

Your insignificant servant
Mukunda das

Answer: Envy Does Not Manifest in Spiritual World

Envy does not exist in the spiritual world. Therefore if envy manifests in the heart of a living being, he is immediately in the material world because that is the only world where envy exists. This manifestation of envy is a misuse of the living beingā€™s free will. This free will must exist because otherwise we are simply robots and we cannot truly love Krishna. Robots are only machines. They are not persons. And since free will must necessarily exist for us to be able to love Krishna, there is always the possibility, although extremely remote, that it can be misused. In those extremely rare cases when it is misused there is a system designed by Krishna to help the fallen souls realize their mistake and voluntarily return to their original position of spontaneous loving service to Him. Is this clear?

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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