Krishna Is Always Bestowing His Mercy Upon Us
Lord Sri Krishna is blessing us unlimitedly at every minute. We simply must learn the art of appreciating His pure love and always fully reciprocating with His pure love. This will be the perfection of our existence and the complete total destruction of all our distress. So we should not hesitate to fully surrender ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna right now. That we still continue hesitating to fully surrender to Krishna is our greatest blunder. So it's time for us to wake up, to come to our senses, and to fully absorb ourselves in loving and serving Lord Sri Krishna in all times, places, an circumstances for now and for all of eternity.

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Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Krishna Is Unlimitedly Blessing Us At Every Moment

Video for the Day
Durga is Not the Supreme Person
Answers According to Vedic Wisdom
Question: How to Join ISKCON?
How to join and do work for your ISKCON mission?Subash
Answer: Report to Your Nearest ISKCON Center
If you would like to work for our mission, we heartily welcome you. Report to your nearest ISKCON center and volunteer to do whatever services are required according to their local needs.You can locate your nearest center at:
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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