The Perfection of Love

In this material world the understanding of love is imperfect. Especially they take love to be the sexual attraction between a man and a woman. Even though this attraction is the binding knot that keeps up perpetually entangled in the cycle of repeated birth and death, due to ignorance this type of love is celebrated as the most wonderful and beautiful of all things. Little do they know that love of God is love's perfection and that the pleasure and satisfaction of loving Krishna or God is millions and billions of times greater than the pleasure of loving a man or woman. Loving a man or a woman is not eliminated by loving God. Rather this love and all types of love become perfect when we give ourselves fully to Lord Sri Krishna in pure loving surrender. Loving God is like watering the root of a tree. When one waters the root of a tree all the leaves and branches are nourished. And if one waters the leaves and branches without watering the root, the tree will not get the water it ...