A Society Without Religion Has Gone to the Dogs

A dog cannot understand what is God and take to religion, while a human being does have the ability to understand God and become religious. Therefore a human being who does not understand God and become religious is a two-legged dog. This is the present status of the human society, which has truly gone to the dogs.

Teaching Krishna Bhakti Science in Sydney, Australia
31 December 2015

Sankarshan Das Teaching Krishna Bhakti Science in Sydney

Sankarshan Das Teaching Krishna Bhakti Science in Sydney

Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA

$43,541.83 collected with $2,456,458.17 still to go.
Contributions gratefully accepted at:

Artist's Concept of ISKCON Austin Project

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: I've Come Late, So How to Tangibly Serve You?

I know that you are my spiritual master. But while feeling ecstatic about this I am also fearful that as I have come to you late in my life, making a tangible contribution to your mission with life's activities is a lost opportunity. I feel that I have missed my chance to substantially serve you. What can I do now, Srila Gurudeva?

Your servant,

Bhakta Russell

Answer: Better Late Than Never

Srila Prabhupada said about himself, “Better late than never.” He told us that he waited for 43 years, all the way to the age of 70, to fully carry out the order of his spiritual master. And just see what amazing things he accomplished beginning from the age of 70! So it’s not at all too late for you. You are not even 70 yet. You are a very talented man with good intelligence. Now simply fully engage all of your talents to assist me in the world deliverance mission that Srila Prabhupada has given us. I am coming to your city, Kansas City, in a few months and would like to meet with you at the time to discuss with you how you can best assist us in our world deliverance mission.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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