Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out

In material society intoxication is indeed very, very popular. It's so popular that it is a multi billion dollar industry. But no matter how much a person gets intoxicated the effect of the intoxicant will eventually wear off and he or she will have to deal with the miseries and anxieties of normal every day waking reality again. However, if one is Krishna conscious, he stays high forever with no coming down. In this state of divine intoxication we are not dull headed. Rather we are blessed with sharp ever increasing intelligence, compassion, joyfulness and alertness. This is why a divinely intoxicated person, a Krishna conscious person, can easily give up all forms of mundane intoxication as easily as a pauper who becomes a millionaire can throw away his old torn clothing. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Relishing the Bliss of Spiritual Awakening Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Chant Hare Krishna or Hare Rama First? Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, Namaste, In some scriptures the ...