A Pure Devotee Can Deliver the Whole World

Srila Prabhupada very nicely explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Chapter 8, Text 5 as follows:
"It is said that a single pure devotee of the Lord can deliver all the fallen souls of the world. Thus one who is actually in the confidence of a pure devotee like Narada or Sukadeva Gosvami and thus is empowered by one's spiritual master, as Narada was by Brahmaji, can not only deliver himself from the clutches of maya, or illusion, but can deliver the whole world by his pure and empowered devotional strength. The comparison to the autumnal rain that falls on muddy reservoirs of water is very appropriate. During the rainy season, all the waters of the rivers become muddy, but in the month of July-August, the autumn season, when there is a slight rainfall, the muddy waters of the rivers all over the world become at once clear. By addition of some chemical, a small reservoir of water like that of a metropolitan waterworks tank can be cleared, but by such a tiny effort it is not possible to clear up all the reservoirs of water like the rivers. A powerful pure devotee of the Lord, however, can deliver not only his personal self but also many others in his association."
So now for the sake of all the fallen, suffering souls of this world we should all strive to become such powerful pure devotees.
By Srila Prabhupada's Most Amazing Divine Potency
the Whole World Can Be Delivered

Devotees Have Sweet Loving Relationships with Devotees

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: Relationships Between Devotees?
My Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to you and Srimati Gurumataji.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Gurudev, from what I've read and heard I understood that the living soul maintain its individuality even after liberation, I've also read that the soul in its original nature revives its relationship with Krishna or God in the Spiritual world.
My question is: If everyone revives their relationship with Krishna in the spiritual world, will they still maintain relationship between each other? Will they be interested to do so? Kindly enlighten.
Your eternal servant,
Caitanya Das
Answer: Absolutely
My Dear Caitanya Das,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
When one becomes perfect in his relationship with Krishna he automatically becomes perfect in relationship with all living beings throughout all of existence because they are all part of parcel of Krishna. It is just like when you water the root of tree you give perfect service to every leave and branch on that tree. We also read in the Nectar of Instruction Text 4 about having loving relationships with devotees:
dadāti pratigṛhṇāti
guhyam ākhyāti pṛcchati
bhuṅkte bhojayate caiva
ṣaḍ-vidhaṁ prīti-lakṣaṇam
"Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasāda and offering prasāda are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another."
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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