The Spiritual Master's Only Anxiety

The spiritual master personally has no anxiety because He sees how Krishna is so perfectly, lovingly, and wonderfully orchestrating his life for him at every moment. However he does have one anxiety. And that is that he is in great pain to the see how the living beings here in this material world are all suffering like anything due to their being bereft of Krishna consciousness. Therefore the spiritual master is always praying for the deliverance of all the fallen, conditioned souls while he simultaneously travels and preaches all over the world trying the devise the ways and means to attract everyone to Krishna.

The Spiritual Master is an Ocean of Mercy

The Spiritual Master is an Ocean of Mercy

Video for the Day

Super Ecstatic Duty

Answers According to Vedic Wisdom

Question: Feeling Derived from Reading Bhagavad-gita

When was the first time you started reading the Bhagavad-gita? How was the feeling?

Sidharth Sabat

Answer: Offer My Food to Krishna

Dear Sidharth,

Please accept my blessings.

The first time I really connected with the Bhagavad-gita was in the fall of 1968 in Denver, Colorado, USA. In the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Nine,Text 26 Krishna says that if we offer Him our vegetarian foods with love and devotion, He will accept them. So I set up an altar in my apartment and was offering all of my food before I would eat. (I was a vegetarian.) By my eating such sanctioned, sacrificial food was life was completely transformed. I became Krishna's devotee. And now for the last 50 years my life’s goal has simply been to make the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible to relieve the suffering humanity from their countless, completely unnecessary miseries.

Hoping this meets you well.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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