Be What is Happening

Why be a miserable idiot when instead you can be a super ecstatic enlightened sage? This is real intelligence. All you have to do to achieve this stage is become the student of an enlightened sage, i.e. a bona fide spiritual master. By sincerely following his instructions you will naturally in due course of time also become an enlightened sage fully empowered to deliver others from delusion. This is the kind of leaders which our planet now needs more than ever. So kindly rise to the occasion and thus become one of the pivotal persons in global history. Instead of wondering what is happening or watching what is happening, you can indeed be what is happening.

Srila Prabhupada Empowers Spiritual Revolutionaries

Srila Prabhupada Empowers Spiritual Revolutionaries

Video for the Day

For Those Who Have the Eyes to See Them

Answers According to Vedic Wisdom

Question: Is Agnosticism Sensible?

Is agnosticism the most sensible belief since it does not accept what's not proven and does not deny it either?


Answer: Agnosticism is Fanaticism

Agnosticism is blind faith that nothing is proven. But the real fact is that it has never been proven that nothing is proven. Therefore agnosticism is fanaticism.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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