You Can Make a Difference
Instead of simply helplessly witnessing an ever-increasingly deplorable world situation the good news is that you can indeed make a difference. By re-harmonizing yourself with the Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence, your mere presence in this world will have an uplifting impact on the global consciousness. And if you actively take up the work of educating those who are disconnected in the art of how to reconnect with that Supreme Person, your impact will indeed be truly revolutionary. So now its up to you what you want to do. Do you want to be part of the solution of the global quagmire or part of the problem? You make your decision now. I hope you make the right choice.

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to you and our beloved Srimati Gurumataji.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Gurudeva, while going through previous year's Thought for the Day in one Thought for the Day in the question and answer portion I found this statement. You mentioned that the spiritual master remains in the material universe until all of his disciples are delivered, and that this is confirmed in a letter that Srila Prabhupada wrote to Jayapataka Maharaja in 1969. This special kindness of the spiritual master is reserved for those of his disciples who are strictly following the regulative principles, not for those who have given up following his instructions.
So, Srila Gurudeva, what about those who give up following instructions of their spiritual master? What happens to them? What is their position and does this mean that there is not a guru-disciple relation between them.
Please help understand this subject matter.
Thank you so much!!
Your Loving Daughter and unworthy servant,
Nandapriya Devi Dasi
My Dear Nandaprya,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada has explained this as follows:
"You have asked if it is true that the Spiritual Master remains in the material universe until all of his disciples are transferred to the Spiritual Sky. The answer is "yes." This is the rule. Therefore, every student should be very much careful not to commit any offense which will be detrimental to this promotion to the Spiritual Kingdom, and thereby the Spiritual Master has to incarnate again to deliver him. This sort of mentality will be a kind of offense to the Spiritual Master. Out of the ten kinds of offenses, the number one offense is to disobey the orders of the Spiritual Master. The instructions given to the disciple by the Spiritual Master at the time of initiation should be strictly followed. That will make one advance to the spiritual path. But if one deliberately defies such instructions, then his advancement is hampered from the very beginning. This defying means to disconnect the relationship with the Spiritual Master. And anyone who defies and therefore disconnects the relationship with the Spiritual Master can hardly expect the assistance of the Spiritual Master life after life."
(from a Letter to: Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 11 July, 1969)
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Your Choice: Global Nightmare or Spiritual Bliss Celebration

Video for the Day
Be Who You Really Are
Answers According to Vedic Wisdom
Question: Fate of Those Who Reject Guru?
My dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to you and our beloved Srimati Gurumataji.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Gurudeva, while going through previous year's Thought for the Day in one Thought for the Day in the question and answer portion I found this statement. You mentioned that the spiritual master remains in the material universe until all of his disciples are delivered, and that this is confirmed in a letter that Srila Prabhupada wrote to Jayapataka Maharaja in 1969. This special kindness of the spiritual master is reserved for those of his disciples who are strictly following the regulative principles, not for those who have given up following his instructions.
So, Srila Gurudeva, what about those who give up following instructions of their spiritual master? What happens to them? What is their position and does this mean that there is not a guru-disciple relation between them.
Please help understand this subject matter.
Thank you so much!!
Your Loving Daughter and unworthy servant,
Nandapriya Devi Dasi
Answer: They Are Disconnected
From: Solferino, MauritiusMy Dear Nandaprya,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada has explained this as follows:
"You have asked if it is true that the Spiritual Master remains in the material universe until all of his disciples are transferred to the Spiritual Sky. The answer is "yes." This is the rule. Therefore, every student should be very much careful not to commit any offense which will be detrimental to this promotion to the Spiritual Kingdom, and thereby the Spiritual Master has to incarnate again to deliver him. This sort of mentality will be a kind of offense to the Spiritual Master. Out of the ten kinds of offenses, the number one offense is to disobey the orders of the Spiritual Master. The instructions given to the disciple by the Spiritual Master at the time of initiation should be strictly followed. That will make one advance to the spiritual path. But if one deliberately defies such instructions, then his advancement is hampered from the very beginning. This defying means to disconnect the relationship with the Spiritual Master. And anyone who defies and therefore disconnects the relationship with the Spiritual Master can hardly expect the assistance of the Spiritual Master life after life."
(from a Letter to: Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 11 July, 1969)
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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