You've Got Nothing to Lose Except For Your Anxiety

Once you clearly understand what Krishna consciousness is, nothing else besides a life of full devotion to Krishna makes any sense. Everything else is stark raving madness. A rough analogy is: Why hold onto a dirty penny when you can instead possess billions of dollars? When you embrace the process of Krishna consciousness wholeheartedly you have nothing to lose except for your anxiety. But still the general population is so much caught up in illusion that they do no accept this all-illuminating perfect path. Srila Prabhupada Reveals the Highest Truth Video For the Day Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA $56,000.00 collected with $2,444,000.00 still to go. (2.3% of our goal with 97.7% to go.) Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Meaning of Maya? What is meaning of "maya"? Amit Gupta New Delhi, India Answer: Disharmony Maya means ...