When Punishment Becomes a Reward

For a pure devotee of the Lord even punishment is experienced as a great reward. One of the twelve great authorities of devotional service, Yamaraja--the god of death, made a mistake in his dealing with Manduka Muni as was cursed by him to become a sudra. However, the apparent punishment turned out to a wonderful blessing when Yamaraja took birth as Vidura for 100 years and got a very good opportunity for preaching Krishna consciousness. Normally in his service as the god of death he does not get any opportunity for preaching. But being blessed by curse of Manduka Muni he got the most wonderful opportunity to serve Lord Krishna by preaching. Prabhupada Teaches the Sublime, Ultimate Science Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Appreciation: I Feel Your Prayers Regarding 29 August's lesson about hatred and persecution I want to share my feedback. I grew up as a Roman Catholic, and only recently I subscribed for your lessons and newsletter. I want to thank you for your work and ...