Bestowing Deathlessness in Pretoria, South Africa,

June 3, 2012--Today in Pretoria South Africa two sincere souls took the most important step of their millions of lifetimes sojourn in this material existence. They attained deathlessness by fully surrendering themselves to Guru and Krishna. They became my initiated disciples and vowed to chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna japa everything day on their japa beads and to strictly avoid illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling. These two fortunate souls, who were known as Prithesh and Premisha Sookraj, are now designated respectively as Padasevana Das and Premabhakti Devi Dasi.

Explaining Deathlessness in Initiation Lecture
Pretoria, South Africa-3 June 2012

Sankarshan Das Explaining Deathlessness in Initiation Lecture

Premabhakti Devi Dasi Receives Her Beads and Name

Sankarshan Das Gives Premabhakti Devi Dasi Her Beads, Name

Initiation Fire Sacrifice Ceremony

Initiation Fire Sacrifice Ceremony by Sankarshan Das

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Peace by Accepting Divine Arrangement?

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If we accept whatever comes as an arrangement of Divine will, will we attain inner peace?

Thank you. Hare Krishna!

Your servant: Sarvabhauma das

Answer: Peace by Acknowledging the Supreme Will

It is a fact that if you see the arrangement of the divine in everything that your mind will become peaceful. In this connection Srila Prabhupada states, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead is called the supreme will. It is by the supreme will that everything is happening. It is said, therefore, that not a blade of grass moves without the supreme will."

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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