Pure Chanting Will Liberate the Entire World
My most beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, writes in his purport to Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 83 as follows:
"A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles given by the spiritual master. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads; in other words, the devotee becomes qualified in offenselessly chanting the holy name. When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, and he actually becomes jagad-guru. Then the entire world, under his influence, begins to chant the holy names of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra."
Thus for the sake of the deliverance of the fallen souls of this material world who are currently suffering like anything in the cycle of birth and death I am begging to Lord Sri Krishna that I can overcome my many faults and become such a pure chanter of the Hare Krishna mahamantra
( Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) who will influence the entire world to become Krishna conscious. If I am not able to accomplish this in my present lifetime, I am begging my most beloved lords, Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, that I can take birth after birth here in this material world until I can attain this standard of pure chanting that will influence the entire world to become Krishna conscious.
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J. Mathura
My Dear J. Mathura,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
When Barack Obama was the US President he wrote me a letter from the White House in Washington, D.C. expressed his sympathy with our cause. I sent him the lyrics to my song "The Peace Formula" which presents Lord Krishna's peace formula as given in Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 5, Text 29.
"A sincere student aurally receives the holy name from the spiritual master, and after being initiated he follows the regulative principles given by the spiritual master. When the holy name is properly served in this way, automatically the spiritual nature of the holy name spreads; in other words, the devotee becomes qualified in offenselessly chanting the holy name. When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, and he actually becomes jagad-guru. Then the entire world, under his influence, begins to chant the holy names of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra."
Thus for the sake of the deliverance of the fallen souls of this material world who are currently suffering like anything in the cycle of birth and death I am begging to Lord Sri Krishna that I can overcome my many faults and become such a pure chanter of the Hare Krishna mahamantra
( Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) who will influence the entire world to become Krishna conscious. If I am not able to accomplish this in my present lifetime, I am begging my most beloved lords, Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, that I can take birth after birth here in this material world until I can attain this standard of pure chanting that will influence the entire world to become Krishna conscious.
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The Whole World Will Become Krishna Conscious

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: Barack Obama Served ISKCON?
How did Barak Obama serve ISKCON?J. Mathura
Answer: He Expressed Sympathy With Our Cause
From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USAMy Dear J. Mathura,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
When Barack Obama was the US President he wrote me a letter from the White House in Washington, D.C. expressed his sympathy with our cause. I sent him the lyrics to my song "The Peace Formula" which presents Lord Krishna's peace formula as given in Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 5, Text 29.
Here are the lyrics: (copyright 2015 by Sankarshan Das)
Our world has become an unspeakable nightmare.
Peace is destroyed replaced by brutal warfare.
All hell is breaking loose on this planet right now,
And for stopping it the leaders have no idea how.
Here is the peace formula. Please take it my friends.
Please take it. You'll see. It will not fail.
Here is the peace formula. Please take it, my friends.
Please take it. Surely peace will prevail.
We come into this world possessing nothing.
And we leave from this world with absolutely nothing.
But in the middle we fight and kill claiming this is mine.
Ignoring the real owner who reclaims everything in time.
Now listen here all of you world leaders.
If you want real peace, this you must now understand.
There's a Supreme Proprietor to whom everything belongs.
What you think is yours is just now slipping through your hands.
Acknowledge that Supreme Owner, Enjoyer, and Friend.
Peace will come and this turmoil will completely end.
Please take it. Worldwide peace will prevail.
Spoken: Please take it. Please take it. Please take it.
And here is the song: Click here to hear The Peace Formula
In the letter below that President Obama wrote me he reciprocated with my request that the world's leaders should listen to and try understand Lord Sri Krishna's peace formula. Here's the letter he wrote me: (see below)
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
Our world has become an unspeakable nightmare.
Peace is destroyed replaced by brutal warfare.
All hell is breaking loose on this planet right now,
And for stopping it the leaders have no idea how.
Here is the peace formula. Please take it my friends.
Please take it. You'll see. It will not fail.
Here is the peace formula. Please take it, my friends.
Please take it. Surely peace will prevail.
We come into this world possessing nothing.
And we leave from this world with absolutely nothing.
But in the middle we fight and kill claiming this is mine.
Ignoring the real owner who reclaims everything in time.
Now listen here all of you world leaders.
If you want real peace, this you must now understand.
There's a Supreme Proprietor to whom everything belongs.
What you think is yours is just now slipping through your hands.
Acknowledge that Supreme Owner, Enjoyer, and Friend.
Peace will come and this turmoil will completely end.
Please take it. Worldwide peace will prevail.
Spoken: Please take it. Please take it. Please take it.
And here is the song: Click here to hear The Peace Formula
In the letter below that President Obama wrote me he reciprocated with my request that the world's leaders should listen to and try understand Lord Sri Krishna's peace formula. Here's the letter he wrote me: (see below)
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
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