Don't Cheat Yourself for Even One Moment Longer
You are an eternal spiritual being, who is full of bliss and full of knowledge. Therefore if you mistakenly identify yourself with your material body, which is temporary, full of ignorance, and full of misery, you are doing yourself the greatest disservice. So please do not make such a mistake. Always remember your actual identify as the eternal servant of God, and always think, speak, and act in remembrance of this, which is called "Krishna consciousness." In this way you will relish an eternal existence which is completely transcendental to the fourfold miseries of material existence, namely birth, death, old age, and disease. So do yourself the ultimate favor right now. Do not cheat yourself for even one moment longer. Embrace your eternal, all blissful, fully cognizant identity as the servant of God.
Binod Kafle
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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Relish the Unlimited Bliss of Your Factual Identity

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: Role of Teacher?
What is the role of a teacher in a spiritual awakening?Binod Kafle
Answer: Absolutely Necessary
According to the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna as He speaks them in the Bhagavad-gita, who is the supreme authority since He is origin of all existence, one must approach a spiritual master, hear and learn from him, and serve him submissively in order to become spiritual awakened. Anyone who ignores this principle and claims to be awakened is deluded and is deluding others.Sankarshan Das Adhikari

My Most Beloved Spiritual Master: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktvedanta Swami Prabhupada

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