The Result of Demoniac Population

The more this planet's population becomes demoniac, the more we suffer from floods, drought, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, excessive heat, excessive cold, and deadly highly contagious diseases such the coronavirus, which is threatening now to become global epidemic terrorizing the entire human population. The solution for all of these distresses is to decrease the demoniac influence by popularizing the Krishna consciousness movement more and more so that people will give up their demoniac habits like meat eating, cigarette smoking, and liquor drinking and replace them with chanting the holy names of God. This will bring great relief to the entire human population.

Cow Killing Civilization Creates Havoc on This Planet

Cow Killing Civilization Creates Havoc on This Planet

Corona virus is One of the Results of Such Deviations from the Laws of Nature

Coronavirus is One of the Results of Such Deviations from the Laws of Nature

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: Facts About Truth?

What are the most interesting facts about truth?

Alejandra Bernués Borau

Answer: The Source of Everything

My Dear Alejandra,

The most interesting thing about truth is that the Absolute Truth is that is the ultimate, original source of everything. We did not come from the monkeys. We are all the emanations of the Absolute Truth as confirmed in this verse from the ancient Vedic scripture, the Vedanta Sutra:

janmādy asya yataḥ

“The Absolute Truth is that from which everything emanates.”

Hoping this meets you well,
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
P.S. To become a perfect knower of Truth check out my free e-course at
P.S.S. Lord Sri Krishna is the Absolute Truth.

Lord Sri Krishna, the Source of All Emanations

Lord Sri Krishna, the Source of All Emanations


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