This World is a Madhouse
Our entire modern civilization is based on the false premise that we are these bodies. So it is no wonder that chaos is breaking loose now more and more all over the world. If we want actual peace and prosperity in the human society, this will only happen when then the people of this planet are educated properly to know what is the actual. nature of existence and how to attain the perfection of existence. Until that happens the world situation will continue getting more and more problematic with each passing year. This is why we are trying to educate the entire human society as soon as possible in the actual science of why we exist and how we can perfect our existence.

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
One of my friends said that excess of anything is always bad, that practicing and preaching beyond the limit about spiritual things is equally bad and harmful. Please reply
Hare Krishna.
Ashis Paul
My Dear Ashis,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
What he is saying is correct. It is confirmed by Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Six, Text 16:
nāty-aśnatas 'tu yogo 'sti
na caikāntam anaśnataḥ
na cāti-svapna-śīlasya
jāgrato naiva cārjuna
"There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough."
If one completely ignores the needs of his body to get six or seven hours a sleep per day and tries to practice Krishna consciousness 24 hours a day without ever sleeping, he will not be successful in his practice. Of course this is possible in the case of great exalted devotees like Haridas Thakur who practically 24 hours a day engaged in Krishna consciousness. But for the devotees in general it is not possible, and they should not try to artificially imitate Haridas Thakur.
However, it should be carefully noted that practicing Krishna consciousness too much is generally not a problem at all. The real problem for most devotees is that they do not practice and preach Krishna consciousness enough. And the greatest problem in the human society is that they do not practice Krishna consciousness at all. How much does your friend practice?
The bottom line is that although theoretically his argument is valid, in terms of practicality it not applicable.
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood. Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
All Hell is Breaking Loose Now in Hong Kong

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: Is Too Much Krishna Consciousness Bad?
Dear Srila Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
One of my friends said that excess of anything is always bad, that practicing and preaching beyond the limit about spiritual things is equally bad and harmful. Please reply
Hare Krishna.
Ashis Paul
Answer: Only in Very Rare Cases
From: Greater Noida, IndiaMy Dear Ashis,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
What he is saying is correct. It is confirmed by Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Six, Text 16:
nāty-aśnatas 'tu yogo 'sti
na caikāntam anaśnataḥ
na cāti-svapna-śīlasya
jāgrato naiva cārjuna
"There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough."
If one completely ignores the needs of his body to get six or seven hours a sleep per day and tries to practice Krishna consciousness 24 hours a day without ever sleeping, he will not be successful in his practice. Of course this is possible in the case of great exalted devotees like Haridas Thakur who practically 24 hours a day engaged in Krishna consciousness. But for the devotees in general it is not possible, and they should not try to artificially imitate Haridas Thakur.
However, it should be carefully noted that practicing Krishna consciousness too much is generally not a problem at all. The real problem for most devotees is that they do not practice and preach Krishna consciousness enough. And the greatest problem in the human society is that they do not practice Krishna consciousness at all. How much does your friend practice?
The bottom line is that although theoretically his argument is valid, in terms of practicality it not applicable.
I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood. Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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