Spirituality or Materiality?

Spirituality or materiality, which is your choice? Everyone has this choice. They can choose between a life dedicated to matter or a life dedicated to spirit. An intelligent person will open-mindedly consider the pros and cons of each lifestyle in order to carefully discriminate which is the best choice. Materiality has the benefit of giving instant gratification and the deficit of total defeat at the time of death with transmigration into the animal or plant species in one's next birth. Spirituality has the deficient of delayed benefit and the reward of an eternal life, full of knowledge and bliss. This can be compared with the decision of whether one should immediately get a job after graduating from high school or whether one should sacrifice earning money for a few more years in order to get a college education. In the long run who makes more money, the high school graduate or the college graduate? In the long who gets greater happiness, the spiritualist or the materialist? Now you decide and do the needful. May you make the right choice!

Spirituality is Now Becoming Very Popular

Spirituality is Now Becoming Very Popular

Nobody Likes to Be Depressed

Nobody Likes to Be Depressed. Spirituality is becoming very popular

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: Spirituality and Life?

What do spirituality and life have in common?

Chris Franco

Answer: Spirituality Means Life; Materiality Means Death

We are not these temporary bodies but are factually instead eternal spiritual beings who are temporarily seated within these material bodies like a driver sitting temporarily in the driver seat of a car. Therefore spirituality or identifying ourselves as eternal spiritual beings means life and materiality or misidentifying with our temporary material bodies means death.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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