Krishna Consciousness in a Remote Village

On 24 September 2019 we traveled through dense forests to the remote village of Antakalne in Lithuania, which has a population of only one hundred. It was very enlivening to experience Hare Krishna kirtan in such a remote place with such an enthusiastic group of chanters. I am praying to Krishna that that day will come soon when the whole world falls in love with chanting Hare Krishna. If such a day can come, it will be the dawning of one of the most amazingly wondrous era in human history. May that day come soon. May that day come soon.

On the return drive to Vilnius our driver, my disciple Damodar Das, had to be very careful because there were so many deer on the two lane highway.

Kirtan in Antakalne, Lithuania

Sankarshan Das Kirtan in Antakalne, Lithuania

There is No One More Beautiful Than Krishna

There is No One More Beautiful Than Krishna

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: Are You a Pure Devotee? Have You Seen God?

Dear Guru Maharaj,
Please accept my obeisances.

We are told that we should believe in the scriptures and do bhakti (devotional service) accordingly. But when we will be realize the truth of the scriptures and be able to see Krishna face to face? How many years will it take to full realize the truths described in scripture and see Krishna directly face to face?

Plus I want to ask one more thing very humbly to you. Are you are a pure devotee of God? Have you seen Krishna face to face?

Your servant
Rishabh Gupta

Answer: See If I Am Strictly Following Srila Prabhupada

From: ISKCON Vilnius, Lithuania
My Dear Rishabh,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. As soon as you begin to sincerely follow the directions given in the scriptures you will immediately experience how the brilliant sun of Krishna is rising within your heart. And when you become fully mature in your practice of Krishna consciousness you will be able to see Krishna directly at every minute both within your heart and everywhere wherever you go.

You have asked me if I have seen Krishna face to face. If I told you, "yes," how would you know that I am not lying. So the real thing you need to see is if I am strictly following and repeating the teachings given in Srila Prabhupada's books. If I am, then you can know that I am fully qualified to guide you to spiritual perfection. This is the proper way to test my legitimacy as a teacher of the science of bhakti because this is something you can actually verify by careful investigation.

I hope this meets you in the best of health and in an ecstatic mood.
Your ever well-wisher,

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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