
Showing posts from 2018

The Super Determined Little Boy

On 29 December 2018 at our "From Fear to Love" spiritual retreat in Yarra Glen, Australia so many wonderful things happened. One tidbit of delight was the determination of the little boy, Sri Tanvik, who insisted at our book table that he wanted a Krishna Book. This is the book by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, which wonderfully describes in detail the pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna when He was on this earth planet 5,000 years ago. My wife was at the book table and told the mother to give the Krishna Book to the boy because he was very attracted to it. But his mother was firm that because they already have the Krishna Book at home he could not get one. Although the boy was quiet he showed his great sorrow that he could not have his own personal Krishna Book. But then when his father came to the book table and bought him the book, Sri Tanvik, in great ecstasy was holding his Krishna Book to his chest. When at the age of three he is so determined to have K...

It's Time to Wake Up!

We should not cheat ourselves by remaining in the darkness of bodily misidentification. We are eternal spiritual beings qualitatively one with that Supreme Person, who has eternal youth, unlimited bliss, and unlimited knowledge. So instead of remaining stuck in temporality, ignorance, and misery we can awaken to our original, constitutional nature, which is eternal, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. All we have to do to attain this is to regain our original, loving relationship with that most delightful and wonderful Supreme Person. This most sublime art is learned from the bona fide spiritual master. Blissful Awakening to God Video for the Day Taste Unlimited Ecstasy Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Conquer Ego? How to subdue ego? Harish Tuli Answer: Serve the Supreme Person From: Melbourne, Australia My Dear Harish, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. When we are think ourselves to the center of the universe, we ar...

Why Do We Exist?

The scientists tell us that we exist as the result of an explosion 13.8 billion years ago. They call it the Big Bang. But since when has anything nicely organized and structured come out of an explosion? This is not real science. This is dogma. The real reason we exist is that the Supreme Person desiring to expand His enjoyment unlimitedly is expanding from Himself an unlimited number of living beings for the purpose of enjoying an intimate loving relationship with each and every one of them. Because love is voluntary, it cannot be forced, we have the free choice to love Him or leave Him. The vast majority of living beings never leave Him. They remain with Him eternally, serving Him with love in HIs transcendental abode. An infinitesimal fraction of the living beings make the mistake of trying to enjoy separately from Him, but after realizing their mistake are gradually rectified to come back to their original liberation position in His transcendental association. Their Big Bang...

Superbly Inspiring Song

A great spiritual master named Bhaktivinode Thakur who lived in India from 1838 to 1914 wrote many wonderful songs of great spiritual elevation. One of them in particular that has very much inspired me is translated from Bengali into English as "When Oh When Will That Day Be Mine?" The translated lyrics (with a little touch of Bengali) are as follows: kabe ha'be bolo se-dina āmār aparādha ghuci', śuddha nāme ruci, kṛpā-bale ha'be hṛdoye sañcār When my offenses ceasing, taste for the name increasing, when in my heart will your mercy shine, when, oh when will that day be mine? Lower than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree. When will my mind attain this quality? Respectful to all, not expecting their honour, then shall I taste the name's nectar sublime. When, oh when will that day be mine? Great wealth or followers, feminine beauty, I won't care for them or the comforts of my body. Birth after birth give me, Oh Lord Caitanya, causeless devo...

We All Love Doctors

Everybody loves doctors because everyone gets sick and doctors cure sickness. And the more the doctor is expert in this curing art, the more he or she becomes appreciated. But the ultimate doctor is the one who can cure the ultimate sickness, misidentification with our material body. That doctor is the spiritual master, the doctor who teaches you how to revive your original spiritual form, which is eternal and never gets sick or old. So we each need two doctors: the one who can cure our physical disease and the one who relieves us from all forms of disease, even death, by teaching us how to revive our original spiritual form. Doctor Who Cures Your Body Doctor Who Cures Your Soul's Misidentification with Matter Video for the Day Tune Into Your Spiritual Nature Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: What Service to Do? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada! Is there any...

Be Kind to Yourself

Be kind to yourself. Don't torture yourself by continuing to misidentify with that which you are not, namely your temporary material body. There's absolutely no reason to go on punishing yourself when you could be rewarding yourself unlimitedly. Those are who intelligent and philosophically inclined focus their thoughts, words, and deeds in all times, places, and circumstances in harmony with the actual spiritual nature of the self as a loving servant of the Supreme Self and thus constantly relish great peace, harmony, and satisfaction. So how do you choose to identify yourself? I hope you make the right choice because I don't like that anybody should ever have to suffer. What is Your Sense of Identity? Video for the Day There's No Reason for All of this Chaos Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Origin of Soul Dear Guru, I have read in one of Srila Prabhupada's books that God has multiplied and we are created. But even though created,...

Real Meaning of Christmas

Today, 25 December, is celebrated as the appearance day of Lord Jesus Christ. Christians all over the world preach that if one does not accept Jesus, he goes to hell. So how do we devotees of Lord Krishna, relate to this concept? The fact of the matter is that we all accept Jesus as our savior because he is a saktyavesa avatar, a living entity who is especially empowered by Lord Krishna to deliver the fallen souls of this world back to home, back to Godhead. It is interesting to note in this connection that it was Lord Jesus who brought me to the Krishna conscious movement. Here's how is happened: As a young spiritual seeker back in 1971 I was trying to attain spiritual enlightenment. I had tried following various gurus, but their teachings and techniques proved to be absolutely worthless. So, what to do? I knew that Jesus Christ was a fully self-realized soul. Thus I was trying to figure out what was his secret, what made him a self-realized soul. For this purpose I would ge...

Letter to President Trump

My Dear President Trump, Please accept my respectful greetings. I am one of the leaders of the Hare Krishna movement which was founded in New York in 1966 and has millions of followers all over the world. We are the ones who inspired George Harrison to write his mega hit song "My Sweet Lord." I have written to you before without receiving any personal response. But since you came in my dream last night as my friend giving me some helpful personal advice I thought that I would again write you seeking your help. Perhaps this time by God's grace I will have the opportunity to personally interact with you. Presently our global civilization, due to a lack of God consciousness is in a very perilous situation become more and more out of harmony with the laws of nature wreaking great havoc on the well-being of all living creatures. The United States of America is the world's leading, most powerful country and is promoting God consciousness with "In God We Trust...

Spiritual Birth

On 20 December 2018 here in Mauritius I happily initiated four new disciples. Initiation is the most important step to take if one is serious to get out of the cycle of birth and death and return to his original home in the spiritual world. Our first birth is from our father and mother, and our second birth is from the spiritual master and the revealed scriptures. Without second birth a human being is considered to still be on the animal platform because human life only factually begins when one fully dedicates himself to guru and Krishna. Initiating Four New Disciples 20 December 2018--Phoenix, Mauritius Video for the Day The Greatest Treasure in All of Existence Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: The Minute Soul Has Form? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. Does the soul have any form? I have read in Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita purport that its size is 1/10,000th the tip of a hair and that we h...

Is this a Cult?

A cult is a group of people who are practicing something which they claim to be genuine religion when in fact it is actually misleading, bogus, and false. So by my participation in the Krishna consciousness movement have I joined a cult? The answer is clearly "no." Why do I say that? Here's why: In my personal search for higher truth trying understand what is the purpose and perfection of my existence I came to the conclusion that the perfection of my existence would be to serve the will of God. I was pleased by this realization while at the same time feeling unfulfilled because I did not know what was God's specific will for me. Then I met a sannyasi monk named Vishnujana Swami. He taught me, proving it on the basis of revealed scriptures and showing by his super-ecstatic example, that God's will for us is that we should regularly chant His holy names every day as much as possible. I was a bit skeptical at first. But I thought that since I've tried e...

Choosing a Career

As a college student at Austin College in Sherman, Texas USA I was supposed to choose a major field of study so that I could become qualified to enter into the career of my choice. But there was no career that attracted me. Finally I opted for theatre for lack of anything else. So I transferred in my 3rd year of undergraduate studies to the University of Texas at Austin, which had one of the top rated drama departments in the entire USA. For a time I was thinking that I had finally found my niche until one day we heard a presentation by one of our graduates who had become a successful actor. After hearing what it was like in the real world of theatre I realized that it was not for me. Not finding fulfillment in any sort of career path, I was seeking knowledge of my actual identity beyond the dictates of the material society. Thus I pursued the path of self-realization, which led me ultimately to realize that I am the eternal servant of God and that my career is to be part of a ...

Reward Yourself

Why unnecessarily punish yourself by bodily misidentification forcing yourself to continue undergoing the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease through millions of different species? Those who are intelligent reward themselves by awakening their dormant enlightened consciousness, which is eternal, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. This art of spiritual enlightenment is mastered by taking shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. I had the greatest good fortune of doing that in 1971, and now on his order it is my duty to popularize this perfection of consciousness all over the world. For this purpose I have started the Ultimate Self Realization Course. I currently have over treasured 31,000 subscribers of which you are one. I consider you to be a very special treasure. My current goal is to have at least 31 million subscribers so that the world atmosphere will change substantially. Unlimited Bliss Can Be Yours. Do You Want It? Video for the Day Can You Handle Unlim...

I Am Here to Help You

Material life, no matter how successful, ultimately fails to satisfy us because by nature we are spiritual beings. Just as a fish cannot be satisfied on the land because he is a creature of the water, we cannot be satisfied in this material atmosphere because we are spiritual beings. Almost a half century ago I was blessed with a system of self-realization based on ancient teachings from India which actually works to bring one's consciousness to the spiritual platform even while one is engaged successfully in executing his material activities. I have started this course to freely share this with the world so that others can relish the same spiritual happiness that I experience every day. So I am here to help become solidly situated on the spiritual platform. Just let me know how I can best be of service to you. Human Life is Meant for Spiritual Awakening Video for the Day Taste the Bliss Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: When No Taste, What to Do? I am ha...

It's Time for Spiritual Awakening

Suffering is the pastime of those who are in ignorance. Unlimited bliss is your natural constitutional consciousness. Therefore all those who would like to regain their original constitutional consciousness should now take to the path of spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakening cannot be achieved by the mental concoctions of one who is not spiritually awakened. Such concoctions will only keep him in a sleeping condition, although he may foolishly imagine himself to be spiritually awakened. It can be attained only by becoming the student of one who is already spiritually awakened. Such a person is known as a bona fide guru or a bona spiritual master. Therefore my best advice to every human being on this planet and indeed throughout the entire universe is to seek out a bona fide spiritual master today, and after finding him become his humble, totally sold out student. Then under his expert guidance you will quickly and easily become spiritually awakened. This is what I did. Now I...

The World Religion

Instead of so many religions fighting with another with their members even sometimes killing and torturing each other, we should have one world religion that everyone can acknowledge and appreciate. The good news is that we don't have to invent or create this world religion because it already exists. The ancient Vedic scriptures reveal that world religion, which is denoted in Sanskrit as sanatana-dharma, the eternal duty of the soul. So what is that duty? To serve the Supreme Person Who has unlimited names, unlimited activities, unlimited qualities, and unlimited mercy upon His beloved children who are currently and entangled in the cycle of birth, death, old age, and disease here in this material world. That Supreme Person is acknowledged by all religions. Therefore devotion to Him is indeed the world religion. How to be dedicated to Him has been taught by Him personally in the Bhagavad-gita (in which Lord Sri Krishna instructs His devotee Arjuna) and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 50...

You Can Make a Difference

Instead of simply helplessly witnessing an ever-increasingly deplorable world situation the good news is that you can indeed make a difference. By re-harmonizing yourself with the Supreme Person, who is the source of all existence, your mere presence in this world will have an uplifting impact on the global consciousness. And if you actively take up the work of educating those who are disconnected in the art of how to reconnect with that Supreme Person, your impact will indeed be truly revolutionary. So now its up to you what you want to do. Do you want to be part of the solution of the global quagmire or part of the problem? You make your decision now. I hope you make the right choice. Your Choice: Global Nightmare or Spiritual Bliss Celebration Video for the Day Be Who You Really Are Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Fate of Those Who Reject Guru? My dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to you and o...

My Greatest Challenge

My greatest challenge is that I have attracted tens of thousands of students from all the over the world. Some of them are complete beginners who have no idea at all about the self-realization process while others are highly advanced practitioners who have been engaging in the self-realization for many years. How am I to successfully instruct and benefit them both in the same daily broadcast? Owing to time constraints in my jammed packed schedule it is not practical to make two separate broadcasts. I simply have to somehow facilitate both the adept and the neophyte in the same broadcast. How to Appeal to a Diverse Readership? Video for the Day The Greatest Challenge of My Life Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Who is the Sufferer? The human body is lifeless, but the soul is animate. So does it mean that the soul is the sufferer? When we do sins, who is the sinner? Is it the soul? If the soul is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, then why t...

Welcome to the World of Unlimited Bliss

In this world everyone is looking for unlimited happiness, but no one is ever finding it. They always get a mix of happiness and distress. But mixed happiness is not pure happiness because it is always tinged with the anxiety of knowing that sooner or later it will be gone. Therefore if you want real happiness, you have to find that happiness which can never be interrupted by any material circumstances, even old age, disease, and death. This real happiness is what we are able to offer to you. I hope that you will take full advantage of our teachings and make your life unlimitedly successful. Unlimited Bliss Can Be Yours Video for the Day Dive into this Ocean Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Chant Hare Krishna or Hare Rama First? Please accept my respectful and humble obeisances onto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you. I am Parth from Jammu and Kashmir India, a student in tenth standard. I wanted to ask you that what i...

Atheism is Blind Faith

Since it can be scientifically proven that every machine requires an operator and also scientifically proven that the universe functions as a machine, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that the universe must also have an operator. This is the proof of God's existence. Therefore it's a fact that atheism is blind faith dogma with no philosophical or scientific foundation. The atheist is like a criminal who says that there is no government. But one day the criminal will be caught and the government will punish him. Similarly these criminal atheists will all be caught, and they will be punished by the supreme government, which they say does not exist. Of course, we don't like to see anyone suffering. Therefore our agenda is that by scientific and philosophical argument we will turn all of the atheists into philosophers who scientifically understand the existence of the Supreme Operator, i.e. God, so that they can also be released from the cycle of repeated birth,...

Back to Mauritius

We have just arrived in Mauritius. But we have not come here as so many tourists do for so-called fun in the sun. We have come here on a mission, to carry on with our usual work of sharing the science/philosophy of Krishna consciousness for liberating those souls who are currently entangled in the cycle of repeated birth and death. This material world is miserable even here in heavenly Mauritius, because no matter where you are, you have to get sick, get old, and die. Everywhere these miseries are forced upon us even though we don't want them and we can't stand them. But it does not have to be this way. Just try giving your love to that person who is the source of all existence, and you will feel the change. Some call Him Krishna, some call Him Allah, some call Him Jehovah. But whatever you call Him, give your love to Him and your life will be most wondrously transformed. Do it now, not tomorrow. Do it right now and immediately awaken your eternal identity. Mauritius Locat...

At The Bhaktivedanta Manor

On Sunday 9 December I was blessed with the most auspicious opportunity of giving the Sunday feast lecture at ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Manor in London. This is the manor that was donated to ISKCON by George Harrison. The story of George's relationship with ISKCON is presented as follows on ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Manor website: Despite The Beatles incredible fame and fortune, due to the pressures of touring and the constant attention from public and media, peace of mind and happiness had escaped them. So, in 1967 they travelled to Rishikesh. This trip to India was part of a sudden fascination of everything Indian by the vibrant and searching youth of the late 1960s.Soon, however, The Beatles returned to London, developing a taste for Indian spirituality, but not finding full satisfaction. George continued his search and meanwhile Shyamasundar das, Mukunda das and other disciples of Srila Prabhupada moved to London in order to establish a temple. In 1969, both George and S...