Nothing to Lose Except for All of Your Anxieties

Why not take to the path of self-realization fully right now? You've got nothing to lose except for all of your anxieties. And you've got absolutely everything to gain. It will undoubtedly be the smartest you ever made in millions and billions of lifetimes. So do it. Become serious about self-realization right now. Krishna Awaits Your Return to His Eternal Abode Video For the Day Rare Opportunity Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Could Pure Soul Desire to Enjoy Separately? I just want to ask that first when we were being created we were in spiritual world where there are no anarthas (bad qualities). We came to this material world because we wanted to enjoy separately from the Lord. But how the desire to enjoy separately came as there is no enviousness in the spiritual world? Your most insignificant servant, Nirmala Devaki Devi Dasi Answer: Misuse of Independence Because the ocean is salty, the drop of ocean of water is also salty. Thus we can u...