Entire Earth Was India

In former times, before the advent of the age of Kali 5,000 years ago, the entire planet earth was India. In other words, Vedic culture was all over the planet earth. What is now Delhi was formally known as Hastinapura. Srila Prabhupada writes, "The king of Hastinapura (now Delhi) used to be the emperor of the world," There is profuse evidence to substantiate this. Therefore the spreading of the Krishna consciousness movement all over the world is not at all unnatural. It is simply restoring planet earth back to its original culture. Happy Devotees Chanting Hare Krishna Video For the Day: Krishna Consciousness is Essential Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Do I Have to Leave My Family? Hare Krishna! Srila Gurudeva, I have a question. I want to know that to attain prema bhakti (spiritual perfection) is it necessary that we have to leave my family, i.e. to become a celibate monk? Or we can attain pure love for Lord Krishna only by chanting his Ho...