Sparking Off a Global Spiritual Revolution

The modern day world society has become so degraded that practically speaking there are no real human beings left on this planet. Everyone has descended to the animal platform. The modern day so-called human being is described in the Vedic literature as a dvipada-pasu, a two-legged animal. Normally animals walk on four legs, but this particular type of animal who is supposed to be of higher intelligence walks instead on two legs. Sometimes we see that a dog is trained how to dance on two legs. This is the caliber of the modern day dancing-dog human society. The only thing that can save it from becoming regressively more and more degraded is a complete, total spiritual revolution that will transform every aspect of the human society. This, then is the mission of the Krishna consciousness movement, to spark off a spiritual revolution that will save the world from a complete breakdown into eventual total jungle-like anarchy. The preachers of the Krishna consciousness movement are totally ...