
Showing posts from November, 2015

Sparking Off a Global Spiritual Revolution

The modern day world society has become so degraded that practically speaking there are no real human beings left on this planet. Everyone has descended to the animal platform. The modern day so-called human being is described in the Vedic literature as a dvipada-pasu, a two-legged animal. Normally animals walk on four legs, but this particular type of animal who is supposed to be of higher intelligence walks instead on two legs. Sometimes we see that a dog is trained how to dance on two legs. This is the caliber of the modern day dancing-dog human society. The only thing that can save it from becoming regressively more and more degraded is a complete, total spiritual revolution that will transform every aspect of the human society. This, then is the mission of the Krishna consciousness movement, to spark off a spiritual revolution that will save the world from a complete breakdown into eventual total jungle-like anarchy. The preachers of the Krishna consciousness movement are totally ...

Living in a Nightmare for Krishna

Living in this material world means living in a nightmare, and there is not much more to be said in this connection. Everyone here is defying the authority of God in many varieties of ways. This creates a very hellish atmosphere. They are trying to have the kingdom of God without God, but this is not possible. The devotee of the Lord desires to always please his all-merciful Lord. Therefore if the Lord desires for him to remain in this nightmare for some time to awaken the sleeping souls from their nightmares, he is willing to do that. In other words, the Lord's devotee is willing to suffer so that others can be relieved from their suffering. Therefore there is no person in this world who is a better well-wisher of the suffering humanity than the pure devotee of the Supreme Lord. Srila Prabhupada Bestows His Mercy Upon a Young Disciple Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA $42,535.17 collected with $2,457,464.83 still to go. Contributions gratefully...

Upgrading Your Consciousness

When we take birth in this material world we have a default psychological operating system known as material consciousness. While this operating system is adequate for pursuing the material goals of eating, sleeping, and defending, it's clearly an inferior grade operating system that is not adequate for giving complete peace, happiness and satisfaction to the living being who resides within the material body. For that an upgrade of consciousness is required to Krishna consciousness. This upgrade requires the guidance of an expert technician, who is known as the bona fide spiritual master. The bona fide guru or spiritual master is a highly trained technician who knows very well all the challenges and difficulties that we may face during a consciousness upgrade. He is competent to train you how to easily surmount them. The bona fide spiritual master does not require any money for his valuable service. He guides our upgrade of consciousness out of love because he understand...

The Sure Cure for Depression

When we are depressed we can sometimes feel so bad that we can actually wish that we did not exist. This is why those who are extremely depressed sometimes commit suicide. So this state of mind called depression is not any fun. It's a miserable, undesirable state of consciousness. Everybody hates it, and nobody in this world knows how to defeat it. But fortunately our ever well-wishing friend, Lord Caitanya, has given us the simple, easy formula how we can always be happy, completely untouched by depression. Instead of being in anxiety about our own unhappiness, we simply have to focus on always trying to make others happy. The more we can be absorbed in giving happiness to others, the less we will experience unhappiness ourselves. The perfection of this consciousness is to fully dedicate our lives for making the whole world happy by giving everyone Krishna consciousness. This is the order of Lord Caitanya. We should therefore give the ultimate happiness of Krishna consciousness to...

Stop Terrorism and Make this World a Paradise

Nowadays there is great anxiety all over the world about the rapid proliferation of terrorism and barbaric violence. Everyone wants to stop these atrocities, but because no one knows what is their root cause, no one is able to do anything effectively to stop them. The cause of these social diseases is animalism. Animalism means when human beings stop thinking, speaking, and acting like human beings and instead think, speak, and act like animals. This animalism is due to false identification with the material body. When one is in this misidentified state of consciousness his conception of happiness will be based on gratification of the covering of the soul, namely the material body, rather than satisfaction of the actual self who resides within. Therefore in a state of foolishness he will try to create for himself an enjoyable atmosphere based on gratifying his material senses, an impossible feat. The more that animalism increases, the more there will be an increase of senseless violenc...

Citizens of the Spiritual World

Even though each of us are legally citizens of various countries and carry a passport from our country to prove that we are a citizen of that country, the fact is that our actual citizenship is in the spiritual world. This material world is not our actual home. Somehow or other due to misuse of our free will we got sidetracked along the way and got stuck here in Martyaloka, the land of death. So now let us focus fully on getting back to our actual home, that place where we once resided and eternally belong. Our Real Home is With Krishna in the Spiritual Sky Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA $42,535.17 collected with $2,457,464.83 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Do I Have to Chant With Closed Eyes? I am doing my first 10 to 12 rounds sitting in the temple and trying sincerely to hear the syllables of the Maha Mantra. Sometimes when my l...

Back to the West on World Deliverance Mission

By the time you read this we will back in the West pursuing our mission of trying to bring about a respiritualization of the entire human society. Only Krishna consciousness can solve the world's problems. Therefore we must fully absorb ourselves in our duty of trying to make the whole world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. Even if we can make just 50 million people fully Krishna conscious, the atmosphere of this entire planet will become peaceful. If our movement can simply become 1,000 times bigger than it is now, this world will change into a paradise. It's an attainable goal. Let's work for it. Srila Prabhupada Preaching in Germany in 1974 Artist's Concept of Our Completed Project in Austin, Texas USA $42,535.17 collected with $2,457,464.83 still to go. Contributions gratefully accepted at: Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: When Will All This Killing Stop? How can we make the Muslims stop the k...

The Power of Ten Can Save the World

At the present moment the world population is 7.3 billion, and our mission is to make the whole world Krishna. Making 7.3 billion people Krishna conscious is an inconceivably Herculean task. How can we possibly accomplish this? But according to Srila Prabhupada in a Srimad Bhagavatam class that he gave in Boston on 28 April 1969 the good news is this: "At least if one percent of the whole population becomes Krishna conscious, the whole world will be a different world. The world itself will become kingdom of God." And then even more encouragingly Srila Prabhupada stated in lecture delivered on 4 December 1968 in Los Angeles: "We do not expect that the whole population of the human society will be taking to this brahminical culture; but even one percent of the whole population accepts this brahminical culture, Krishna consciousness, then the whole world will be peaceful. Not even one percent, less than one percent. It is so nice." One percent of the world population i...

Are Devotees Conservative or Liberal?

Some people say that the devotees of Krishna are very conservative because they abstain from illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling. But they do not understand that the real meaning of being conservative is to follow rules and regulations blindly without any idea of why you are doing it. In this connection Srila Prabhupada says, "Conservative means unnecessarily you catch some rules and regulation without any meaning or without any utility. That is conservative. In Sanskrit it is called niyamāgraha." The devotees of the Lord are not at all conservative. They know exactly why they engage their senses in a certain way for attaining the highest level of spiritual perfection. They are instead the most liberal. They are not misers because they freely give the highest knowledge of Krishna consciousness to the whole world without asking for anything in return. This liberalness of the devotees is also called magnanimity. Srila Prabhupada is an Ocean of Magnanimity Ar...

Blessed by a Visit to Vamsivata

On 20 November 2015 we were unlimitedly blessed by an opportunity to visit the most sacred Vamsivata. Vamsi means flute, and vata means banyan tree. So Vamsivata is the banyan tree where 5,000 years ago Krishna played His flute to attract the gopis. The original tree washed away by a flooding of the Yamuna river about 450 years ago, but Paramananda Goswami took a branch from it and planted the present tree, which is therefore an expansion of the original tree. When he planted the branch he discovered the deity of Gopinatha, which is now being worshipped very nicely in Jaipur. This most sacred place is mentioned as follows in the Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya 1.58: śrīmān rāsa-rasārambhī vaṁśīvaṭa-taṭa-sthitaḥ karṣan veṇu-svanair gopīr gopī-nāthaḥ śriye ’stu naḥ "May Gopinathaji, who attracts all the gopis with the song of His flute and who has begun the most melodious rasa dace on the bank of the Yamuna in Vamsivata, be merciful upon us." Vamsivata was also a place ...

How to Deal With Envious Devotees?

Our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has ordered that those of his disciples who are strictly following his orders should become spiritual masters and initiate disciples all over the world for bringing the happy days of Bhagavat-dharma back to this planet. Unfortunately some of Srila Prabhupada's disciples and followers who have not been able to strictly follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions are envious and very critical of those who accepted this order of Srila Prabhupada as their sacred duty. They argue that none of Srila Prabhupada's disciples are qualified to be spiritual masters. They say that unless you are already back to Godhead you cannot take someone back to Godhead. They refuse to note that if someone is solidly situated on his way back to Godhead that he can take others along with him. They say that only a liberated soul who is already seeing Krishna face to face can become a spiritual master. But Srila Prabhupada says, ...

One Day We Will Lead the World

On 26 November 1974 Srila Prabhupada wrote the following in a letter to his disciple, Saurabha: "Our movement is being accepted. They are saying that Swamiji is doing nice things. So it is up to you Europeans and Americans to push it all over the world, and one day you will be the leaders of the world. It is not difficult. You just have to work sincerely and intelligently. Krishna will do everything." So now we have to qualify ourselves fully to do just that. We must become the leaders of the world. This will be accomplished easily simply by our always working as Srila Prabhupada has taught us, with sincerity and intelligence. Then by the grace of Krishna one day we will be accepted as the world's leaders and followed by the entire global society. This will be the revival of the happy days of B Bhagavat-dharma on this planet for which we are eagerly waiting. Training the Future World Leaders--18 October 2015--Pune, India Artist's Concept of Our Completed Pr...

Five Million Parikramas

An auspicious way of offering worship to the deities of Radha and Krishna in the temple is to respectfully walk around the temple. This is called circumambulation or parikrama. In the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada describes such circumambulation as one of items for discharging devotional service. On Tuesday 17 November 2015 Gurumataji and I along with a large group of my disciples circumambulated the holy town of Vrindavana, in which there are 5,000 temples of Radha and Krishna. What made this even more auspicious is that the benefit of any devotional service done in Vrindavana is magnified 1,000 times. Therefore by this simple 3.5 hours parikrama around Vrindavan we got the spiritual benefit of doing 5 million parikramas of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Even though just after the start of the parikrama I had a bad fall smashing my head onto the cement road gaining a bloody lump on my head and bloody swollen nose, I opted to continue my parikrama. Gurumata offered to get me a ricksh...

Paris Terrorist Attack and How to Stop Terrorism

In the world of mundane news the biggest news right now is the terrorist attack in Paris in which at least 132 people were killed with 352 wounded. Such madness is increasing on this deluded planet, where hell is breaking loose more and more every day. This is a practical example of what I have described in my song, The Peace Formula (free download at ): Our world has become an unspeakable nightmare. Peace is destroyed replaced by brutal warfare. All hell is breaking loose on this planet right now, And for stopping it the leaders have no idea how. Therefore we are hoping, praying, and working that the day will come soon when all the world's leaders recognize Krishna's perfect peace formula. When that day comes there will be the dawning of the greatest era of peace and happiness that the world has ever known in modern day recorded history. Just as there are ferocious animals in the jungle, as long as the human society remains on the animal ...

Ecstatic Pilgrimage to Kamyavana

On Saturday 14 2015 a bus load and van load of devotees headed out to Kamyavan, which is on the far side of Vrajadham, 53 kilometers from Vrindavan in the state of Rajasthan. It is here that Krishna had many amazing pastimes. Also at one time the Pandavas resided here. It is through Kamyavan 500 years ago that the deiteis of Vrindavan were transported on their way to Jaipur to be saved from being destroyed by the Muslim tyrant, Aurangzeb. After the Vrindavan deities spent three days here they were then carried on to Amber, the fortress city of Maharaja Jai Singh in Rajasthan. However the deity of Vrindadevi, who is the presiding goddess of Vraja dhama, made herself so heavy that she could not be moved because she did not want to even budge one inch away from the holy Vraja dhama, her eternal home. This deity of Vrindadevi, which was originally installed by Vajranabha 5,000 years ago, is still being worshipped today in Kamyavan in the town of Kaman. After singing the beautiful Vrindadev...