Flipping the Switch That Will Turn On the Entire World

In his book, the Nectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada writes, "The Nectar of Devotion will teach us how to turn the one switch that will immediately brighten everything, everywhere." This one sentence captures the essence of the Krishna consciousness movement. Simply by turning the whole world onto Krishna all the problems of the human society with be solved. Therefore our lives are fully dedicated to flipping the global consciousness switch. There are no other reasons for us to be here in this material world except for our own purification and for delivering all of the fallen conditioned souls, who are so miserably stuck here, back to their original home in the spiritual sky. Prabhupada Delivers the World and We Assist Him Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Krishna Can See Future When We Have Free Will? Krishna can see past, present, and future. But how can Krishna see the future when at every moment we have free will? Tom Answer: Because He Knows Wh...