
Showing posts from May, 2015

Don't Throw Your Life Away

There is one goal and one goal only you should have for your life, that is to become a pure devotee of Krishna. In the grand scheme of things nothing else has any genuine significance. Even if you were by the execution of great penances and austerities to attain the post of Lord Brahma, the topmost demigod in this universe, this would be only temporary, and then you would be dragged down by laws of nature to become a worm in stool once again. Therefore don't waste your time foolishly playing around in misery. Get out of this material existence while you have a golden opportunity in this human form of life. Regain your original identity beyond all the sufferings of this material existence by fully surrendering yourself at the lotus feet of guru and Krishna. Explaining the Great Potency of Lord Caitanya's Movement Phoenix, Mauritius---29 May 2015  Testimonial from Navin Sharma  Sriman Sankarshan Adhikari Prabhu's Ultimate Self Realization Course is an ultimate gi...

Krishna Prasadam, the Miracle Food

From Srila Prabhupada we have learned about the wonderful glories of Krishna prasadam. A Krishna conscious person, who eats only food offered with love and devotion to Krishna, counteracts all the reactions of his past sinful activities, which are impediments to his progress on the path of self-realization. On the other hand, one who does not do so continues to increase the volume of his karmic reactions, and thus prepares his next body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant reactions of his sins. The material world is full of all sorts of contamination, but one who is immunized by accepting prasadam of the Lord (foods offered to Lord Sri Krishna with love and devotion) is saved from the attack, whereas one who does not do so becomes subjected to contamination. Srila Prabhupada Honors Krishna Prasadam Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Do I Enjoy Nice Foodstuffs? Please accept my humble obeisances All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Even though I am...

Onwards to Mauritius to Taste and Share More Nectar

28 May 2015--After a brief stopover in the United Kingdom on which I gave two lectures at ISKCON's Bhaktivedanta Manor near Watford, we are heading out tonight on an overnight flight to Mauritius, a small island nation in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar. There is nothing more sublime than talking about Krishna. I am very thankful to Lord Krishna that He has blessed me with so many opportunities to vibrate His glories before so many receptive audiences all the world. The more that the people on this planet become eager to hear about Krishna, the more this planet will become magically transformed into a spiritual paradise. Where is Mauritius? (Mauritius is shown both to scale and in a blown up version.) Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Conquer Over Anger? I have been in frequent contact with the ISKCON devotees for more than two years. I have taken the commitment of chanting the 16 rounds. I mostly complete it regularly. I had certain bad habits in th...

The Vaisnava Wants to Deliver All Fallen Souls

The Vaisnava is an ocean of mercy because he wants to deliver all the suffering souls of this world back to home, back to Godhead. Therefore his every thought, word, and deed in all times places and circumstances is for the ultimate benefit of all livings throughout this vast material existence. Just as Krishna is the best friend of all living beings, the Vaisnava is also the best friend of all living beings. There is no one more dear to Krishna than the Vaisnava, nor will there ever be anyone more dear. Srila Prabhupada is an Ocean of Mercy Testimonial from Rasika Krishna Das & Para Bhakti Devi Dasi    Six years back in 2010 we were introduced to this free online course called the “The Ultimate Self Realization Course” by our relative. We started reading the daily mails and in a very short time realized the purpose of the valuable human life. We slowly started to understand more about self, the material and spiritual worlds, and our relationship with the Supreme...

Spiritual Revolutionary Lifestyle

26 May 2015--Today we are taking off on another around-the-world lecture tour. On this tour I will be speaking about Krishna and Krishna consciousness in London, Mauritius, South Africa, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia, and Los Angeles. I am very thankful to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Sri Krishna for giving me this blissful, most meaningful spiritual revolutionary lifestyle in which it is natural to be fully absorbed 24 hours daily in Krishna consciousness. I can't imagine any greater boon than this. Indeed, I have been blessed with the ultimate boon. Now it is my duty to as far as possible share this ultimate boon with everyone I meet. They will be greatly benefitted, and I will also be greatly benefitted, because the more you give Krishna, the more you get Krishna. Another Ecstatic Arrival Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is Jesus Christ the Son of Allah? Is Jesus Christ the son of Allah? And is Allah is the Supreme Person from whom the sun and everything e...

Don't Forget. The Smallest Action Can Change the World

Don't forget. The smallest, most seemingly insignificant action if based on transcendental vision can set off a chain of events to completely transform the course of universal history. Therefore you should always stay focused on thinking, speaking, and acting in that way which will be most pleasing to Krishna at every moment. If you will always in this way remain the humble servant of Guru and Gauranga, they will utilize you as their instrument for bringing about the greatest paradigm shift in the history of the universe, the respiritualization of the entire human society. Lord Caitanya and His Associates Set into Motion the Deliverance of the Entire Universe Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Can Be Sure That We Won't Fall Again? Regarding the 25 May 2015 Question and Answer and I have a question. If we all were in the spiritual world with Krishna and because of our free will we were sent to earth, how can we be so sure that we will not return back t...

Lesson from Power Outage in Austin

24 May 2015--4:20am--Last night a heavy rain/lightening storm with tornados blew through the Austin area. Heavy winds in our neighborhood knocked over trees and a wooden fence. Our temple suffered only minor damage. Now we are among 19,600 residences that are without electrical power for the last six hours. Fumbling in the dark at 4:00am trying to do our morning program, wondering how we are going to cook the Sunday feast without our electric stove/oven, I am seeing how much dependent we are on electricity for so many of the things that we do. This reminds me of how much we are even more dependent on Krishna, the supreme provider of power, for absolutely everything that we do, even for our very existence. I am hoping that for the sake of our service to Krishna that our electrical power will soon be restored and hoping even more that Krishna consciousness can become fully restored on this bewildered planet to bring the bewildered humanity back to sanity. Heavy Storm Hits Austin ...

Declaring an All-Out War Against Maya

The entire world society is deeply entangled in the clutches of illusion. Therefore the only way to free them is to declare an all-out war against maya or illusion. The truth must be spoken. Otherwise illusion continues. Just as the doctor has a duty to honestly tell his patient what is wrong with him and what he must do in order to be cured, similarly the bona fide spiritual master has a duty to honestly point out to his disciple what are his faults along with giving the means by which the disciple can rectify the faults. This is the kindness of the spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada Enlightens His Disciples Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Make the Entire World Krishna Conscious? Recently the Maharashtra state government in India banned cow slaughter in the state. But there is so much really frightening opposition that they may lift the ban. So, when even cow slaughter cannot be stopped, how can we dream of making the world Krishna consciousness? It is...

Herculean Effort Required to Save the World

We have been tasked by our ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, with the mission of doing the highest humanitarian welfare work for the suffering humanity by making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. In the midst of the most materialistic age of Kali this is no doubt a herculean task of unparalelled proportions. Success in carrying out such a herculean task requires the special mercy of Lord Caitanya, for which we must constantly beg, as well as a herculean effort from us. Therefore we should abandon material sense gratification and apply our full energy for making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. This way we will be fully happy and we can make the entire world peaceful and happy. Our Planet is Becoming Ever-Increasingly More and More Chaotic Due to a Lack of Krishna Consciousness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Non-Devotees Don't Appreciate Krishna? In your recent rep...

Focus On Your Only Real Duty

To become Krishna conscious is the perfection of life because Krishna consciousness brings you back to your original pure identity which you once relished in loving service to Lord Krishna in the spiritual world before you fell down into this miserable material existence. Therefore nothing in life really matters all that much except for regaining your lost Krishna conscious. So focus on this as your only real duty. Lord Krishna Now Awaits Your Return to His Abode Testimonial from Sunil Many things can be said about how nicely your emails help in self-realization , but I would tell only few points which come to my mind: Once on reading your email, I chanted intensely. Your answers have dispelled many doubts. Your daily emails have helped to correct malpractices in practicing Krishna Consciousness. Your emails have been reaching regularly at about the same time, and it is easy to access the emails. The language of your emails not only make it easy to understand the conce...

ISKCON: A Loving Spiritual Family to Unite the Whole World

When our ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C.. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, was physically present in this world an astrologer in India predicted that he will build a house in which the whole world can live. This is indeed what Srila Prabhupada has done. The institution he has created, ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a society which will gradually become so popular that eventually the entire world with all of its leaders will become ISKCON followers. Therefore it is the solemn duty of every ISKCON member to see that the movement is always progressing nicely towards that end. How to do this? We must always remember and follow the instructions of Srila Rupa Goswami to always be engaged in loving exchanges with the devotees. dadāti pratigṛhṇāti guhyam ākhyāti pṛcchati bhuṅkte bhojayate caiva ṣaḍ-vidhaṁ prīti-lakṣaṇam "Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, ac...

You've Got Nothing to Lose Except Your Anxiety

For countless lifetimes you've tried in innumerable ways to be happy in this material world and you have never been able to achieve the happiness you desire. In each and every attempt you were a failure. So why not in this lifetime try something different that you've never done before? Try giving all of your love to Krishna and see what is the result. I guarantee you that if you do so, you will be completely satisfied beyond your wildest dreams. By surrendering to Krishna you've got nothing to lose except for your anxiety and something more valuable than this entire universe to gain Krishna Is Waiting For You to Return to Him Testimonial from Rasananda Sahoo  First of all I become grateful to Sankarshan Prabhu for such an wonderful and dedicated course for the conditioned souls. From time immemorial we are by default suffering in illusion or Maya consciousness. But now only by the mercy of devotees we are trying to become Krishna conscious. After passing through...

I Want to Attract the Whole World to Chant Hare Krishna

Since the entire human civilization is becoming more and more miserable due to its ever-increasing entanglement in lust, anger, and greed, I want to do something to save these poor souls from their horrible plight. And the since the only real solution for solving all of the problems of the world is the revival of everyone's dormant Krishna consciousness, within whatever brief span of time I have available to me in my present body my desire is that I want to attract the whole world to chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra so that everyone can be fully and genuinely happy. Srila Prabhupada Leads Devotees and Hippies in Kirtan San Francisco, Golden Gate Park--1967 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Chanting While Committing Sins Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. If one is chanting the holy names of Lord and at the same he is doing sinful activity, does this mean that he is guilty of the offenses known as c...

Don't Cheat Yourself By Being a Slave of Maya

Don't cheat yourself by being a slave of maya or illusion. You are an eternal spiritual being qualitatively one with God. While it may appear very attractive to gratify your senses whenever they request to be gratified, the reality is that you have nothing to do with your material senses. They are just a covering of your actual self. Therefore as long as you remain on the platform of material sense gratification you will never be able to taste or experience the genuine unlimited pleasure of your actual spiritual existence. Quasi-spiritualists talk about God and self-realization, but they take God as someone who facilitates their material sense gratification. Such "God consciousness" is not God consciousness at all. It is sense gratification consciousness masquerading as God consciousness. Real God consciousness is taught both by Lord Jesus and Lord Krishna. Real God consciousness means to full surrender unto Krishna or God accepting everything in your life which is pleas...

Dogmatism is the For the Dogs

An intelligent person does not think dogmatically. He thoughtfully analyzes things from many points of view to gain a clear, cogent understanding of reality. Unfortunately the modern day civilization is descending to the level of barking dogs because it is locked into a quagmire of narrow-minded, dogmatic thinking. The clearest example of this dogmatism is the modern day so-called scientific principle that life arises from a chance combination of dead material elements. Where is there even one example anywhere in the universe of life being produced by a combination of dead material elements? Such an example simply does not exist. Everywhere it is seen that life, not matter, produces life. But yet this dogmatic idea that life comes from matter has become accepted as the philosophical mainstay of the entire world civilization. No wonder we are become more and more like dogs every day on this ever-increasingly troubled planet. It is time for a philosophical revolution to free ourselves f...

Don't Take a Guru Like Getting a Pet Dog

In a lecture given on 29 September 1974 in Mayapur Srila Prabhupada explains the guru should not be taken as a pet dog: "When one accepts somebody as guru, he cannot argue. That is the condition. One must be fully surrendered otherwise there is no meaning of making a guru. It is not like a pet dog, that 'Everyone has a guru, so let me have a guru.' That is not guru. Guru means first of all the condition is pranipata, fully surrendered. Not that, 'If I like, then I shall carry your order. And if I don't like, then I shall not do it.' That is not acceptance of guru. Pranipata. First of all, we must agree. So because friends and friends talking, a friend may agree with his friend. He may not agree with. That is friendly talk. But Arjuna became disciple. Sisyas te 'ham: 'I am now Your sisya, disciple. Now there is no question of disagreeing with You. Whatever You'll say, I will accept.' So at last Krishna said, 'Surrender unto Me.' And Arju...

Becoming Strong by Acknowledging Your Weaknesses

Pride is our weakness, and humility is our strength. So instead of proudly being blind to your weaknesses, imagining that you are strong in every way, it is better to honestly recognize and acknowledge your weaknesses. You should find a devotee who can honestly and accurately pinpoint your weaknesses and learn from that devotee. In this way you will become truly strong. To always keep this humble mood the devotees regularly bow down and offer their obeisances both to the deities in the temple as well as to other devotees, especially to their spiritual master. In this way they become strongly fixed in devotional service to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada Offers Obeisances to Krishna in the Temple Testimonial From Shyamapriya devi dasi As a kid, I grew up watching my parents worshiping Goddess Durga. In my fifth grade one of my school teachers showed me a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba and said, “Here- this is God.” And I instantly believed without a doubt that this is God. Throughout ...

The Ever-Expanding Krishna Consciousness Movement

As I write these words we are making the last leg of our journey from Lithuania to Austin. It has been very refreshing on this trip to encounter Krishna conscious people in various places. In the Vilnius, Lithuania airport as we went through security one of the security personnel said, "Hare Krishna" to us. In London we met a man named Prem, a worker in the airport who has read the Bhagavad-gita and all twelve cantos of the Srimad Bhagavatam of Srila Prabhupada. He is getting ready to read the Bhagavatam in its entirety again. Then in New York as we entered the security queue one of airport personnel said, "Hare Krishna" to us. These are auspicious signs that the Krishna consciousness movement is indeed growing. In the past we did not meet Krishna conscious people as often as this. The Krishna consciousness movement will continue expanding more and more until eventually this entire planet and indeed this entire universe will become fully Krishna conscious. This is ...

Would You Like to Be a Member of Our Elite Team?

We have been given the massive mission by our beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, to make the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible because this is the only real remedy for saving the people of this world from their present suffering condition. In order to be successful in this massive mission we require massive support. Therefore we need your help. This is our invitation to you, if you are willing to be part of this elite team of devotees who are willing to sacrifice their entire lives for doing whatever is required to make the entire world Krishna conscious. The members of this team will receive extra special mercy from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as special training and spiritual support in their life's activities. If we can count you in, send us an email and let us know. We will be most happy to welcome you to this elite team. Srimad Bhagavatam Class--Vilnius, Lithuania Airport--11 May 2015 Ecstatic Farewell K...

Another Day, Another Adventure

Every day spent in Krishna consciousness is the most exciting adventure because it is overflowing with hundreds and thousands of opportunities to become closer and closer to Krishna. Krishna consciousness is naturally adventurous because among adventurers Krishna is the most adventurous. In other words, Krishna is experiencing the supreme adventure at every moment, and thus anyone who connects with Him through the process of bhakti will along with Him also experience the supreme adventure at every moment. Sunday Feast Lecture--Kaunas, Lithuania--10 May 2015  Blissful Prasadam Distribution--Kaunas, Lithuania--10 May 2015 Testimonial From Sulakshana Devi Dasi Ten years ago I was suffering greatly due to the loss of my daughter. I was searching for why I was suffering. I was often in conflict with my family members. I couldn't understand why people say or do things which made no sense to me. There was nobody who I could trust to take shelter for my problems and sufferi...

Pangs of Separation While Leaving Lithuania

Today we are departing from Lithuania. The loving exchanges we have with so many devotees here are so upliftingly wonderful that it is always with pangs of separation we head out from this country, which is so much blessed with so many wonderful devotees. This reminds me of a conversation between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Ramananda Raya which is recorded in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 8, Text 248 as follows: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of all kinds of distress, what is the most painful?" Sri Ramananda Raya replied, "Apart from separation from the devotee of Krishna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness." This is one of the austerities of being a traveling preacher. There are too many mournful goodbyes. But the consolation is that on the spiritual platform we are packed up eternally together in the service of Lord Krishna, and we will all be together eternally in that wondrous spiritual sky. Speaking at Samosa--Kaunas, Lithuania--9 ...