Put God Back in the Center

The present day world civilization is gradually disintegrating into total chaos due to its not having God in the center. People either deny God's existence or use Him as a tool to facilitate their own concentrated or extended self-centered lifestyle. This deficiency of non-God-centeredness simply does not work. With no center to hold things together we are every day moving step by step closer and closer to total anarchy. The Krishna consciousness movement is giving the real solution for this collapsing world civilization quagmire. Those who are intelligent will accept this solution and adopt it wholeheartedly, while those who are fools and rascals will reject it and continue to contribute every day to the demise of human civilization.

Srila Prabhupada Teaches How to Put God Back in the Center

Srila Prabhupada Teaches How to Put God Back in the Center

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: How Can There Be Envy in the Spiritual World?

Respected Gurudeva,

So far as I understand envy is a product of Maya or illusion. Since Maya doesn't exist in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, then how can jiva, the living being, become envious of God?

Thanks for your guidance.


Answer: There Is No Envy in the Spiritual World

It is a fact that envy does not exist in the spiritual world, the Vaikuntha world. If envy arises in the heart of living being, which happens due his misuse of his independence, he is already in the material world.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
