Do You Want to Taste the Bliss?
Do you want to taste the real, unlimitedly sweet bliss of your existence? Are you tired of the up and down rocky road of material existence on which you experience happiness and distress, thrill and boredom, honor and dishonor, poverty and wealth, sickness and health, with emphasis on the negative side of things most of the time? It you want to taste the real bliss, the solution is very simple. All you have to do is absorb yourself as much as possible in chanting the holy names of God. Try it; you'll love it. Don't punish yourself by neglected the unlimitedly auspicious boon of the holy names of God.

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I have one doubt in the context of Lesson 196 in your e-course:
You are saying that the jiva has the independence to love or not to love Krishna. The Lord does not want to force love on us. But at the same time it is also stated that if a jiva chooses not to love, he is not allowed to stay in Vaikuntha and is sent to the material world that is full of misery. How then can we say that the Lord is not forcing us to love him? The real freedom would mean that we are allowed to stay in Vaikuntha whether or not we love God, or else God is like any other king, who is always right and his citizens have to follow his rules else they are expelled or executed.
Please forgive me if I have asked an offending question, but I really have this doubt.
Nitin Mehendale
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Diving Deep into the Nectar of Hare Krishna in London

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Question: Is Krishna Forcing Us to Love Him?
Dear Gurudeva,Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I have one doubt in the context of Lesson 196 in your e-course:
You are saying that the jiva has the independence to love or not to love Krishna. The Lord does not want to force love on us. But at the same time it is also stated that if a jiva chooses not to love, he is not allowed to stay in Vaikuntha and is sent to the material world that is full of misery. How then can we say that the Lord is not forcing us to love him? The real freedom would mean that we are allowed to stay in Vaikuntha whether or not we love God, or else God is like any other king, who is always right and his citizens have to follow his rules else they are expelled or executed.
Please forgive me if I have asked an offending question, but I really have this doubt.
Nitin Mehendale
Answer: Love Cannot Be Forced
There is no such thing as forcing someone to love you. Krishna gives us His love with the hope that we will reciprocate love with Him. When the jiva becomes envious of Krishna it the jiva's desire to not be in a place where Krishna is the Supreme, to be instead in a place where the jiva can consider himself to be God. So Krishna fulfills the jiva's desire by giving him a place where he can consider himself to be the Supreme. Since the jiva is unhappy in the Vaikuntha world, the spiritual world, Krishna kindly gives him a place that will satisfy his desire.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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