Everybody Needs Someone to Love

Everybody needs someone to love. This is the most basic psychological need of everyone. Nobody can be happy or satisfied without having someone to reciprocate love with. This is why if someone has no one else they will be keep a dog or a cat. We all crave love, and we all want perfect love with a person who will not cheat, neglect, or abuse us in any way. Because in this material world, we are all more or less self-centered, none of us are able to perfectly reciprocate love with others. Therefore to become satisfied in love we must offer our love to the Supreme Person who is the source of all existence. Many people call Him God, which denotes His position as the Supreme Controller. We are most fortunate to know His most intimate personal name. We know that He is Krishna. And that person who teaches how to overcome our selfish nature and love Him purely is the bona fide spiritual master.

Krishna--The Person Who Perfectly Loves Everyone

Krishna--The Person Who Perfectly Loves Everyone

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: Are Spirituality and Religion Different?

First of all would like to thank you for enlightening us with your daily thoughts to keep our minds on the track of devotional service with faith. Whenever, there is a question mark in my mind about my existence, efforts to chant my rounds, and other problems in my life your mail answers it directly as if you know, I need it. Thank you very much for your guidance.

I don't understand much of the philosophy of devotional service because of my limitation in thought process. However, I would request you to please help me to understand the difference between spirituality and religion. Are they same or different and how ?

Abhishek K.

Answer: Genuine Religion and Spirituality Are the Same

Genuine religion and spirituality are one the same. But the pseudo-religion that masquerades nowadays as religion is in fact a covered form of materialism. The pseudo-religionists worship God, but they do it for a material purpose to advance their material sense gratification. Therefore they are not true religionists or spiritualists. They are instead pseudo-religious materialists.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
