Krishna Consciousness is Based on Relationships

The impersonalists want to kill all relationships by asserting that everything is one. Because they were wounded in love, now they want to completely deny love. This is like cutting off your head to cure a headache. It is a madman's proposal. The sane thing to do is learn the art of perfecting your relationships, not denying them. Therefore the more we perfect our loving relationship with Krishna's representatives, the spiritual master and His devotees, the more we will experience the transcendental awakening of love of God within our hearts. This is Krishna's order. He instructs that unless we are the devotees of His devotees, we are not His devotees.

Loving Devotees Brings Unlimited Happiness
and Loving Devotees Bring Unlimited Happiness.

Loving Devotees Brings Unlimited Happiness and Loving Devotees Bring Unlimited Happiness.

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: How Does Loving Krishna Make Me Happy?

Guru Maharaja,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My question is: How am I to understand that I shall be happy when I love Krishna?

Your humble servant,


Answer: Just Like a Fish in the Water

Just as a fish is naturally happy when he is in the water and naturally completely miserable when he is not in the water, you, the eternal spiritual being who are qualitatively one with God, can be only be happy when you are swimming in the ocean of pure love of God. In you foolishly choose to ignore or deny God, you are condemning yourself to a hellish, miserable existence.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
