I've Been Accused of Being a Fanatic
A foolish neophyte follower of Lord Caitanya has accused me of being a fanatic simply because I stated that our goal is to make the entire world Krishna consciousness. What can I say? Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. This is the mission of Lord Caitanya and the order we have received from Srila Prabhupada. Our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, told us, his disciples, in Los Angeles on 17 December 1973:
"Just become perfect in the understanding of this science and become guru and deliver the whole world."
And Krishnadas Kaviraja (Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi 7.26) has indeed predicted that our movement will some day be successful in delivering everyone:
saj-jana, durjana, paṅgu, jaḍa, andha-gaṇa
prema-vanyāya ḍubāila jagatera jana
"The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind."
So it is my duty, as a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, to pass on to my students, disciples, and readers the instructions that I have received from Srila Prabhupada. This is called disciplic succession. If some are disturbed by this, what can I do? It is my duty to purely present what I have received from my spiritual master in spite of my critics.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Caitanya Is Delivering the Entire Universe
Here I am reproducing an article published in "The Economic Times", one of the leading newspapers in India.
"Some religions are sceptical of the theory of evolution and propound creationism that postulates that it was God who created human beings and everything else.
"All religions are unanimous that this Supreme power is omniscient, that is, it knows everything and has infinite awareness, understanding and insight: omnipresent, that is, it is present in all places at all times and perfect, that is, has no flaws at all and is always correct.
"If God is indeed the creator he must have been supremely alone at some point of time. What could have motivated him to create human beings? Loneliness? An outlet for his creativity? Fame? A desire to be worshiped by his creation? Given his religious definition, God is supremely happy and so can never feel lonely; he cannot have creative urges for that would mean he has unfulfilled desires; he does not have to demonstrate his creativity to anyone; he has no ego and hence has no wish either to be famous or worshiped. Further, God could not have created humans by accident or unknowingly since he knows everything about everything.
"It is impossible to identify a valid reason why the Almighty (given his definition) could have wanted to take up this apparently unnecessary task of creating, controlling and managing millions of humans and other species.
"So, the big question is: should we then accept we must have therefore evolved from an original entity that lived millions of years ago and which itself must have been born out of a biological accident?"
The question seems to be genuine for me. Kindly have Guru Maharaja's opinion on the above.
That such an article should appear in an Indian newspaper illustrates how much India has now deviated from its original Vedic culture. The author states that God was born out of a biological accident. What this foolish rascal does not realize is that God is aja or unborn, i.e., He has no origin other than Himself. The author also erroneously states that God is an "it", i.e., that He is not a person. This is line with the foolish modern day so-called scientists who say that we are not persons, that we are mere robots. If I tell you that you are not a person, that you are simply a robot, you will object, because you intuitively know that you are a person, that you are not a mere machine. Just as gold cannot be derived from a goldless gold mine, similarly, persons cannot be derived from an impersonal origin. Therefore since we are persons, the original source of existence must also possess personality and thus be a person. What is the difficulty to understand this simple clear logic? Only those whose brains are polluted by lust, anger, and greed cannot grasp this straightforward concept.
The fact is that the Supreme Person is self-sufficient. He does not need anyone else or anything else to be happy. Since He is all-powerful, it is fully up to Him how He wants to enjoy. We cannot dictate to Him what He is allowed to do and not allowed to do. The Supreme Person, out of His own will to enjoy, is eternally expanding out of Himself an infinite number of living beings with whom He enjoys an infinite number of loving relationships. This is how and why we exist, for the purpose of expanding the happiness of the Supreme Person by engaging ourselves in loving relationships with Him. When we forget Him or neglect Him, He is displeased and we cannot be happy no matter how much we may indulge ourselves in material sense gratification. Therefore in order to be happy we must please Him by engaging ourselves in the loving service of that Supreme Person who is known primarily as Krishna.
Insofar as the article from the Economic Times is concerned, Lord Sri Krishna states as follows in the Bhagavad-gita:
avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā
mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto
mama bhūta-maheśvaram
"Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be."--Bhagavad-gita 9.11
I hope this clears up this matter for you, and you are not bewildered by the childish, illogical, and unscientific arguments of the fools and rascals.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
"Just become perfect in the understanding of this science and become guru and deliver the whole world."
And Krishnadas Kaviraja (Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi 7.26) has indeed predicted that our movement will some day be successful in delivering everyone:
saj-jana, durjana, paṅgu, jaḍa, andha-gaṇa
prema-vanyāya ḍubāila jagatera jana
"The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind."
So it is my duty, as a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, to pass on to my students, disciples, and readers the instructions that I have received from Srila Prabhupada. This is called disciplic succession. If some are disturbed by this, what can I do? It is my duty to purely present what I have received from my spiritual master in spite of my critics.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Caitanya Is Delivering the Entire Universe

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Question: Was God Born Out of a Biological Accident?
Pranam Guru Maharaja!Here I am reproducing an article published in "The Economic Times", one of the leading newspapers in India.
"Some religions are sceptical of the theory of evolution and propound creationism that postulates that it was God who created human beings and everything else.
"All religions are unanimous that this Supreme power is omniscient, that is, it knows everything and has infinite awareness, understanding and insight: omnipresent, that is, it is present in all places at all times and perfect, that is, has no flaws at all and is always correct.
"If God is indeed the creator he must have been supremely alone at some point of time. What could have motivated him to create human beings? Loneliness? An outlet for his creativity? Fame? A desire to be worshiped by his creation? Given his religious definition, God is supremely happy and so can never feel lonely; he cannot have creative urges for that would mean he has unfulfilled desires; he does not have to demonstrate his creativity to anyone; he has no ego and hence has no wish either to be famous or worshiped. Further, God could not have created humans by accident or unknowingly since he knows everything about everything.
"It is impossible to identify a valid reason why the Almighty (given his definition) could have wanted to take up this apparently unnecessary task of creating, controlling and managing millions of humans and other species.
"So, the big question is: should we then accept we must have therefore evolved from an original entity that lived millions of years ago and which itself must have been born out of a biological accident?"
The question seems to be genuine for me. Kindly have Guru Maharaja's opinion on the above.
Answer: This Article's Arguments Are Born Out of Ignorance
I am answering your question herewith not from my opinion, but from what is taught in the authoritative Vedic knowledge, the millions of years old, original science of the Absolute Truth.That such an article should appear in an Indian newspaper illustrates how much India has now deviated from its original Vedic culture. The author states that God was born out of a biological accident. What this foolish rascal does not realize is that God is aja or unborn, i.e., He has no origin other than Himself. The author also erroneously states that God is an "it", i.e., that He is not a person. This is line with the foolish modern day so-called scientists who say that we are not persons, that we are mere robots. If I tell you that you are not a person, that you are simply a robot, you will object, because you intuitively know that you are a person, that you are not a mere machine. Just as gold cannot be derived from a goldless gold mine, similarly, persons cannot be derived from an impersonal origin. Therefore since we are persons, the original source of existence must also possess personality and thus be a person. What is the difficulty to understand this simple clear logic? Only those whose brains are polluted by lust, anger, and greed cannot grasp this straightforward concept.
The fact is that the Supreme Person is self-sufficient. He does not need anyone else or anything else to be happy. Since He is all-powerful, it is fully up to Him how He wants to enjoy. We cannot dictate to Him what He is allowed to do and not allowed to do. The Supreme Person, out of His own will to enjoy, is eternally expanding out of Himself an infinite number of living beings with whom He enjoys an infinite number of loving relationships. This is how and why we exist, for the purpose of expanding the happiness of the Supreme Person by engaging ourselves in loving relationships with Him. When we forget Him or neglect Him, He is displeased and we cannot be happy no matter how much we may indulge ourselves in material sense gratification. Therefore in order to be happy we must please Him by engaging ourselves in the loving service of that Supreme Person who is known primarily as Krishna.
Insofar as the article from the Economic Times is concerned, Lord Sri Krishna states as follows in the Bhagavad-gita:
avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā
mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto
mama bhūta-maheśvaram
"Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be."--Bhagavad-gita 9.11
I hope this clears up this matter for you, and you are not bewildered by the childish, illogical, and unscientific arguments of the fools and rascals.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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