Is It Possible to Make Whole World Krishna Conscious?
Our goal is to make the entire world Krishna conscious. But is this really possible? Sometimes it is said that it is impossible to make the entire world Krishna conscious. And considering how grossly materialistic is the modern day so-called civilization, this really makes a lot of sense. But then we read the prediction in the Caitanya Caritamrita that the entire world will become Krishna conscious. So what is the proper understanding? It is possible or impossible to make the entire world Krishna conscious? In this connection we can remember Srila Prabhupada's famous statement, "Impossible is a word in a fool's dictionary."
So what is the conclusion?
By Krishna's special mercy even that which is impossible can become a fact. Therefore we should endeavor like anything to make the entire world Krishna conscious. And then even if it is impossible, Krishna can make it possible. There's one thing for sure if we fully dedicate our lives in this way. Our going back home, back to Godhead will be assured. And anyone who follows us will also go back to Godhead. So there is no loss if we endeavor to completely revolutionize this planet with Krishna consciousness. And, who knows, we might even become successful to see within our present lifetimes that this entire planet has become Krishna conscious.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Caitanya Induced Wild Animals to Chant and Dance in Ecstasy
Either spiritual culture or material culture will be dominant on this planet. So which one is better for the world population? If material culture is dominant, the people will be engaged in gross sense gratification and will go down to the animal kingdom in their next birth. If spiritual culture is dominant, the people will engage in devotional service and go back to home, back to Godhead. Therefore out of compassion on these poor fellows we are making the humble attempt to spread this Krishna consciousness movement to every town and village to try to make spiritual culture dominant on this planet. Therefore our goal of cultural world domination is not any sort of lording-it-over mentality. Rather it is our compassion to try to save these people from their suffering.
In this connection Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.1. as follows:
"Since the beginning of creation, the demons and the demigods, or the Vaisnavas, are always the two classes of living beings to dominate the planets of the universes."
At the present the demons are dominant on the planet earth. Therefore our movement wants to bring about a spiritual revolution on this planet so that Vaisnavism again becomes dominant as it once was before the advent of the Kali yuga 5,000 years ago. This is what Srila Prabhupada describes in his Srimad Bhagavatam purport as, "the respiritualization of the entire human society." If someone is opposed to Vaisnava culture becoming the dominant culture, this means that they are in favor of the demoniac culture remaining the dominant culture on this planet.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
So what is the conclusion?
By Krishna's special mercy even that which is impossible can become a fact. Therefore we should endeavor like anything to make the entire world Krishna conscious. And then even if it is impossible, Krishna can make it possible. There's one thing for sure if we fully dedicate our lives in this way. Our going back home, back to Godhead will be assured. And anyone who follows us will also go back to Godhead. So there is no loss if we endeavor to completely revolutionize this planet with Krishna consciousness. And, who knows, we might even become successful to see within our present lifetimes that this entire planet has become Krishna conscious.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Caitanya Induced Wild Animals to Chant and Dance in Ecstasy

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Question: Is Cultural World Domination a Proper Goal?
Recently you wrote that one goal of our movement is cultural world domination. Some people became very disturbed when they heard about this thinking that this is some sort of fanaticism or some kind of lording-it-over mentality. So what is the proper understanding of this concept?Y.S.
Answer: It Is Compassion for the Suffering World Population
Is it an improper lording-it-over mentality to try to convince someone to take up Krishna consciousness, or is it an act compassion to save them from going down to the animal kingdom in their next birth? Similarly, it is an improper lording-it-over mentality to dedicate one's life for making the entire world Krishna conscious, or is it an act of compassion to save the human population from becoming animals in their next life?Either spiritual culture or material culture will be dominant on this planet. So which one is better for the world population? If material culture is dominant, the people will be engaged in gross sense gratification and will go down to the animal kingdom in their next birth. If spiritual culture is dominant, the people will engage in devotional service and go back to home, back to Godhead. Therefore out of compassion on these poor fellows we are making the humble attempt to spread this Krishna consciousness movement to every town and village to try to make spiritual culture dominant on this planet. Therefore our goal of cultural world domination is not any sort of lording-it-over mentality. Rather it is our compassion to try to save these people from their suffering.
In this connection Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.1. as follows:
"Since the beginning of creation, the demons and the demigods, or the Vaisnavas, are always the two classes of living beings to dominate the planets of the universes."
At the present the demons are dominant on the planet earth. Therefore our movement wants to bring about a spiritual revolution on this planet so that Vaisnavism again becomes dominant as it once was before the advent of the Kali yuga 5,000 years ago. This is what Srila Prabhupada describes in his Srimad Bhagavatam purport as, "the respiritualization of the entire human society." If someone is opposed to Vaisnava culture becoming the dominant culture, this means that they are in favor of the demoniac culture remaining the dominant culture on this planet.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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