Scientists and the Higgs Boson

The scientists now feel that they may have discovered the Higgs Boson or God particle and that they have thus now gained new access to the secrets of the universe. What they do not realize is that the innermost secrets of the universe have already been revealed by the creator of the universe. Their attempt to understand the universe is compared to someone trying to understand how a machine works by taking it apart. They don't realize that the simple way to understand how this universe works is to read the detailed manuals in the form of the Vedic wisdom, which have a long time ago been bestowed upon us by the creator of the universe.

Simulation of the Higgs Boson

Simulation of the Higgs Boson

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Is this the Real God Particle?

I was interested in knowing the Vedic perspective on the very recent discovery of the Higgs boson particle also called as the God particle. Scientists say that this discovery would help answer the fundamental questions on the evolution of the universe and its fate.

Your servant,

Deepanshu R.

Answer: How to Perceive the Real God Particle

The Higgs boson or so-called God particle, which scientists think they may have recently discovered, is believed by them to hold secrets of our universe’s origin. The Higgs boson is regarded as key to understanding why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give all objects weight. The particle’s existence is considered fundamental to the creation of the universe.

What the scientists don't realize is that the real God particle lies far, far beyond the perception of any empirical means. Their empirical science is based on the dogmatic principle that objective reality is limited to those things that are empirically verifiable with our gross senses and the instruments created by our gross senses. But this assumption is not empirically verifiable. Therefore their entire system of knowledge caves in on itself just as a castle of sand is washed away by the waves of sea. The actual God particle is the Supersoul, which is smaller than anything else in all of existence. By loving devotion one can directly perceive the complete form of the original God particle. This is the real science of the God particle.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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