How to Taste the Bliss of Krishna Consciousness

If we want to taste the bliss of Krishna consciousness, we must not mechanically chant and serve. Instead we should chant and serve with feeling. What is the difference? It's a matter of common sense. We can immediately tell the difference in the way that others deal with us. If someone deals with us in a cold, mechanical, impersonal way, we do not like it. On the other hand, if someone deals with us in a loving, kind-hearted, friendly way, we feel energized and enthused. So we have to remember that Krishna or God is a real person who has feelings too. He is very pleased when we lovingly serve Him and chant His names. And He is displeased when we ignore Him or chant His name or serve Him in a disinterested, impersonal, cold-hearted way. When we please Him we will taste the sweetest pleasure. And when we do not please Him, we are not able to experience genuine happiness. Therefore if we are intelligent, we will always try to please Krishna or God by chanting His names and serving H...