Here's a Song that Has Very Much Inspired Me

When I was a young brahmacari in 1972 in the prasadam room of the ISKCON temple in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA I heard two brahmacaris singing this song "Constant Journey." This song so much inspired me that I have remembered it for half a century. Since I do not have a recording of them singing it I have sung and recorded it so that you all can hear it too. Click here for Constant Journey Email me if would like a downloaded copy: Here are the lyrics: Constant Journey by Bali Mardan Dāsa Brahmacārī 1. This life is a constant journey, Prabhupāda’s the guiding star. We can see the way before us. Though the goal is very far. Chorus: Won’t you come along? Won’t you come along? Won’t you come along? Won’t you come along? 2. With the real Bhagavad-gītā We have started on the road. Wondering why those mundane wranglers Have to carry such a load. Chorus 3. And now with Prabhupāda to guide us We will traverse every curve On the path to Kṛṣṇaloka, Where Kṛṣṇa i...